Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4) Read Online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hotshots Series by Annabeth Albert

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 97633 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“Yes.” The climax rolled through him, more diffuse than usual, like the pleasure was reaching new places, like summer rain in the canyons flooding hidden cracks and crevices. His cock pulsed and his head buzzed. Holding Shane even tighter, he reveled in his harsh grunt as he too stiffened, face first tense then slack, transformed. So beautiful that it was humbling and all he could do was cling.

“Damn.” Shane’s chuckle sounded dazed.

“Oh fuck.” Brandt had to laugh as his breath returned to normal. “I haven’t come in my pants in a decade.”

“Thank God for that washer of yours.” Groaning, Shane sat up, taking all that warm weight with him and Brandt had to resist the urge to yank him back down.

“Yep. And the shower.” Immediately, he had the vision of Shane wet and soapy. He liked it, wanted to know what Shane looked like naked, wanted to explore and touch and taste. He might as well have not come for all the eagerness his body still had. “Think I could talk you into joining me?”

Shane made a pained face. “Brandt...”

“If that’s your ‘we need to talk’ voice, I’m gonna need that beer you promised me.” Brandt went ahead and sat up himself. Playtime over.

“It’s in the kitchen, but I need to clean up first.” Shane’s blush would be adorable if the man weren’t so freaking confounding.

“Good idea. Me too. See you in a few.” He quickly washed up and changed pants in the master bath. The cleanup process could have been way more fun if Shane had been on board with the shower plan. Damn. Brandt needed more, even now. Shane might want to pretend this hadn’t happened, but Brandt sure as fuck wasn’t forgetting a single moment. And if he had his way, there would be lots more moments in store.

“Here. Opened one for you.” Now in flannel pants and a T-shirt, Shane greeted him as he returned to the kitchen. The bottle of local brew was damp with condensation as Shane handed it over. “Hope this one’s good. I told the woman working the counter at the brewery to find me something on the darker side.”

“Somehow I’m not surprised that even your beer is brooding.” Brandt shook his head before taking a sip. It was darker than his usual, rich in assertive hops, but not bad. Kind of like Shane himself, a shift from light and easy and forgettable towards unique and memorable.

“You saying I’m moody?” Frowning, Shane shrugged. “I mean, I’ll own it, but I don’t think that liking to think things through makes me a total drag.”

He sounded like a guy who’d had that trait thrown in his face before, and Brandt could almost hear Shelby making that accusation.

“Nah. It’s smart. You’d be good in the field.” He studied Shane closer. He wasn’t an adrenaline junkie like Brandt, but he had the steadiness that would make a good first responder. “You’d make a good spotter—the guys in the air who direct their crews. Even tempered, cautious attitudes save lives.”

“Yeah. That’s me.” Leaning against the counter, Shane gave a small smile before taking another sip of beer. “I like to look before leaping.”

“But you’ve gotta admit, that leaping a few minutes ago was sure as fuck fun. We should do that again.”

“No, we shouldn’t.” Shane pursed his mouth, eyes going sharp and pained. “That was...what did you say last time? A lapse. A big one, but still a lapse. And that one’s on me. But we can’t make a habit of it.”

“Sure we can.” Brandt plopped down at the nearby table.

Even as his expression stayed reluctant, Shane took a seat opposite him. “I’ve got a stack of reasons saying we can’t.”

“Okay, let’s hear them.” Brandt leaned forward as Shane recoiled backward.


“You’ve got reasons. Maybe I’ve got answers.” Stretching, Brandt kept his tone casual, trying to keep his intense want for a repeat at bay. “Because the way I see it, there’s more reasons in favor than not. But let’s see what’s got that brain of yours in a tangle.”

“We should focus on the baby.”

“She’s asleep,” Brandt countered, playing with the label on his beer. “I’m not suggesting we let her yodel while we get our freak on. But we’re adults, and if we want to make the most of naptime, we can. Next?”

“I’m Shelby’s brother.” Shane nodded sharply like that was his trump card.

“I’m aware. And?”

“I don’t like... I’m a crappy consolation prize, you know? And I’m not sure I like coming in second to start with.”

Head tilting, Brandt had to blink at that. “You think I’d rather be with Shelby?”

“I’d say the proof of that is asleep in the other room.” Shane regarded him coolly before taking a swallow of his drink.

“And I’d say you can stow your jealousy.” Brandt kept his voice even. Nothing was going to be served by him getting worked up. “No offense, man, but anyone who’d leave their kid with their ill-prepared younger brother isn’t someone I’m interested in shacking up with. Sure, she’s cute and fun, but that doesn’t mean she wins out over other options.”

