Untouchable Read Online Sam Mariano

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Dark, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 175455 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 877(@200wpm)___ 702(@250wpm)___ 585(@300wpm)

There’s a rustling of stiff fabric as he shoves down his jeans and then I feel him move closer. He rubs the head of his cock against my entrance, then pushes it inside me. I can tell by the way it feels, the stretch of my skin, he’s going in bare again. I sigh, but don’t bother bitching about it. He’s going to do it either way, so what’s the point?

“Will you hate me if I get you pregnant?” he asks.

He’s not deep, just pushing the smooth tip inside me and pulling out. Just playing with me. Carter’s exploration of my boundaries is hard, because he forces me to be brutally honest—not just with him, but myself. He won’t let me have a comfort zone. I know he’ll interpret me telling him I won’t hate him as permission, but I also know if I start telling him too many things will make me hate him, the threat will lose all meaning and become ineffective. I can only tell him I’ll hate him for doing something if I really will. I can only say no if he’s really at my limit. With Carter, you can only tap out if you literally can’t take anymore. Anything before a hard limit is fair game.

“I won’t right now,” I tell him, carefully. “I probably will someday.”

He rubs his hand over my ass again. “Good answer.”

I roll my eyes, even though he can’t see me. Leave it to Carter to test me when he’s about to have sex with me.

He pushes himself deeper and I have to flatten one hand against the floor to brace myself. This position on the floor is hard on my knees. I wish he would’ve moved us to the couch first. Wish he would’ve put a condom on, too. I have to figure out how to get things I want out of Carter. Arguing doesn’t work. Asking certainly hasn’t worked. I guess submission doesn’t entirely work either, because I more or less submitted and he is thrusting deep with no protection. I don’t know what else to try.

Carter grabs hold of my hair and pushes me down until my cheek is pressed against the floor. My stomach pitches as he holds me down even more roughly and thrusts his cock inside me. This is rougher, dirtier, even less comfortable, but a shudder of pleasure moves right through me as he pumps inside me, as he fills me up. He’s holding me down and using me. Punishing me. I should hate this. Why don’t I hate this?

“This pussy belongs to me, doesn’t it, princess?” Carter asks.

I swallow, trying to hold onto the floor to stay in one place as he fucks me.

His fist tightens in my hair and he thrusts so brutally a little yelp slips out of me. “Answer me.”

“Yes,” I offer promptly.

“I can do whatever I want to it, can’t I?”

I try to get a better hold on the floor. This time I know he wants a response, and I know which one, too. “Anything you want.”

The challenge melts out of his voice and it’s warm again, so it washes over me like the reward it is when he says, “Mm, good girl.”

He’s trying to train me. That’s funny, since I’m trying to train him, too. Oh well. I guess it works out if we train each other. I certainly can’t claim his training isn’t working, because it is. But so is mine. Kinda. I may not be getting my way all the time, but I’m pretty sure I’m making more progress with him than anyone else ever has.

My belief is strengthened when, after I’ve taken a few more brutal pumps without complaint, Carter lets go of my hair and pulls out of my body. I wait, breathing heavily, to see what comes next. I stay in position because he hasn’t told me to move. Then I hear something that sounds suspiciously like a foil packet being torn open and my heart leaps. Is he…?

Carter’s hands settle on my hips and he nudges me. “On your back.”

I roll over onto my back so I’m looking up at him. My stomach rocks with a strange mix of feelings when I see the condom wrapper discarded on the ground beside us. I want to kiss him, so I do. I arch up, grab his face, and kiss him, the flavor of gratitude on my lips as they soften under his.

Beneath the gratitude, I feel victorious. Submission did work, he just had to prove his point first, show me he’d take what he wanted and see how I responded. Naturally, I responded the right way, so now he’ll respect my wishes.

Warmth spreads through me. I love his twisted ways. Carter may be difficult to maneuver sometimes, but he fascinates me.

Carter breaks the kiss and slides his hands down the outside of my thighs. Then he lifts my legs and moves until he’s hovering over me with my bent legs resting on his shoulders. He leans down and brushes his lips across mine, then braces his weight on one arm while he reaches down with the other and guides his cock between my legs.

