Untouchable Read Online Sam Mariano

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Dark, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 175455 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 877(@200wpm)___ 702(@250wpm)___ 585(@300wpm)

Carter holds my gaze as he unbuttons and unzips his pants, daring me to look away. Daring me to run. I don’t know if I should. I don’t know if he wants me to. Does he want to chase me? Does he want to punish me, to take out his aggressions? My breath quickens at the thought, so rather than wait for him to shove his cock in my face, I break his gaze and try to crawl away.

He’s on me in an instant, his sharp reflexes and physical strength making it so easy to trap me. I’m caught beneath his body, tummy down, as he forces his hand between my legs and slides it inside my panties. I try to crawl away again, but he keeps me right where he wants me. My stomach twists up with desire and I groan as he pushes a finger inside me. I struggle by instinct, even though I’ll die of disappointment if he takes that pressure off my clit.

“You like that?” he asks roughly, still holding me down. “I sure do.”

I’m breathing too heavily to respond, but I don’t know what he’d want me to say, anyway. I don’t care. All I care about is the pleasurable sensations coursing through my body as he touches me.

I never know what to expect when Carter opens his mouth, but right now as he fingers me, he yanks on my hair again and leans close to my ear, telling me in a low, gravely murmur. “I think about that day in the classroom all the time, you know?”

My heart rate jumps, but I don’t move. I don’t speak. I just wait to see where he’s going with this. A strangely timed apology, or a barbed taunt, intended to further punish me for pushing him tonight?

“You looked so fucking pretty, all outraged and helpless. You know what I never understood, though? You could’ve stopped it. All you had to do was lie to Jake, pretend you liked him for five minutes. He would’ve called me off and protected you, but you stood by your fucking principles and told the poor bastard the truth.”

I don’t know if he actually expects me to answer him while he’s doing this, but I swallow and offer one up anyway. “It would’ve only been a temporary fix. If I pretended to like him when I didn’t, then I would’ve had to deal with it later.”

“Maybe. Or maybe you wanted to play with me,” he offers.

Even though I do currently want to play with him, I damn sure didn’t then, so I shake my head. “That wasn’t it. You’ve obviously grown on me, but you’re an acquired taste.”

“You like me now though, don’t you, princess?” His finger circles my clit and I throw my head back against his shoulder, a faint noise of pleasure escaping my throat. “You like when I hold you down and play with you, when I treat you like my little whore. You’re good at that role, aren’t you?”

His words combined with his fingers toying with me send a naughty spike of pleasure soaring through me, but I remain on edge. I don’t know where he’s going with this. I don’t know if he’s in the mood to be nice or mean, but my money is on mean.

His touch is rougher than I want it to be, but I don’t complain. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care in this moment, even if he will later. My body is still responsive; spikes of pleasure still hit me as he toys with me. Then the pleasure ratchets up and I lean back against him, feeling my body building toward orgasm.

Carter bites my neck, keeping the pressure on my clit. I gasp at the unexpected sting of pain, but I’m entirely focused on the pleasure I know is coming my way.

“You like that?” he demands.

“Yes.” My response is rushed, my breathing heavy.

The stimulation intensifies, my breaths come in short bursts. Then, just as I’m about to fall over the edge into an abyss of pleasure, Carter withdraws his finger from between my thighs.

“No,” I groan, hugging the hardwood floor.

Behind me, Carter pulls down my panties and smacks my ass. “Up.”

“You’re mean,” I inform him, wanting to glare at him, but too disappointed to move.

“I’m gonna get meaner if you don’t fucking listen,” he tells me, smacking my ass hard enough that I jump. Since my skin is stinging and another slap might follow further disobedience, I push myself up on my forearms and thrust my ass in the air.

“Better, master?” I ask, dryly.

His voice is warm and rich, and his satisfaction washes over me like liquefied pleasure as he runs his hand over the stinging skin of my ass, appeased. “It sure is. Beautiful.”

A warm flush crawls up my chest and neck, no doubt coloring my cheeks. “Thank you,” I murmur, a bit uncertainly.

