The Wildflower (Ruthless Disciples #2) Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Ruthless Disciples Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 142764 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 714(@200wpm)___ 571(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

I slip a headphone in my ear, but just one. Two would leave me distracted and potentially jumped by one of these fools. Steadying the heavy punching bag between my hands, I breathe deeply, and then rear my arm back and throw my first punch.

My fist slams into the bag hard, rocking it, and I release a long sigh of contempt.

Yes, I need this.

I punch and punch and punch until I'm panting and have to stop, hugging the bag to catch my breath. It feels good but it's not enough. The steady rock of the bag isn't my father's face splitting open under my fists. It's not his eyes swelling shut, or his lip bleeding.

I need something else, something a little more violent and dark than this to quiet the beast that’s clawing under my skin, itching to get out. But I can't get what I need quiet yet. There are still some answers I need and things to put into place. I throw a few more punches at the bag but the initial satisfaction tempers. I breath and catch the new guys whispering and exchanging cash.

I turn to face them. "What's this? Collecting money for the book club?"

One of the kids, Tyson, or Taylor, I can't fucking remember his name glares at me. "Actually, it's for a bet."

For a second I'm just glad they didn't bring hard drugs into my training center. "Bet for what?"

The other one I don't even bother trying to recall his name shakes his head at his friend like he doesn't want to tell me.

I take one step toward them and the dumb one raises his hands, cash still in his fists. "It's for a fight, okay. That's it."

I won’t lie, my curiosity is piqued. "What kind of a fight?"

"The underground, illegal kind. Every two weeks they have them at the old Sears center, where the mall used to be in Blackthorn.”

Well, shit. Why the fuck am I just now hearing about this? I study them for a minute. "You've got business at Blackthorn, so much so that you know about secret illegal fights?"

He swallows hard and nods. "Yeah? I used to attend, but got kicked out. My sister still goes there and I have a ton of friends there so I try to make visits back to see them when I can."

I shrug and crack my knuckles. "Funny enough I could use a good fight right now. When do they start, and how do I find more information?"

There’s a hard edge to his eyes as he takes in my clenched fists. "There’s a bookie who takes all the bets in house when you arrive. If you’re wanting to place a bet that is. If you’re there to fight, you just show up, tell them you want to be included in the pot.”

Easy enough. I just can’t risk knowledge of me fighting at Blackthorn getting out and back to my father. It would be another black stain on his so-called perfect image.

I reach for the kid closest to me, and grip onto the lapels of his shirt giving him a little shake. I need to make it very clear what will happen if these two squeak to anyone.

"No one hears about this. Understand? If either of you speak a word about this conversation not only will I make sure the cops know about this event but I’ll ruin your fucking lives."

I look between the two of them, and even though I’m not touching the other guy his gaze is filled with freight as well. Good. They both nod and I release the kid like he’s the plague, giving him a shove before wiping my hand off on the front of my shorts. I head back into the locker room, grab my duffel bag, and jacket then jog out of the gym.

Using my phone, I order one of the ride app cars. It's dark but early so I have no trouble getting a car and heading out to Blackthorn University. It shouldn't take long to find the fights if what the assholes told me is right. Blackthorn and Oakmount have always had a long standing rivalry of sorts. They’re a school for the offspring of the elite, just like Oakmount. Everyone wants to send their kids to these schools but have no clue the dark, fucked up shit that takes place behind the scenes.

The website might show a wholesome, fun, top tier university but once the sun goes down things are far from wholesome. I get another ping on my phone from Bel but again, I ignore it. Not because I don't want to talk to her but because I want to talk to her too much.

All or nothing still rings in my ears and I'm not ready to show her everything yet. Especially with this new information I’ve learned. How do I tell her my father is the one who killed her mother? Slowly. Painfully. But it's his fault and now he's trying to do it to my mother too. I won't fucking allow it.

