The Wildflower (Ruthless Disciples #2) Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Ruthless Disciples Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 142764 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 714(@200wpm)___ 571(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

Bel doesn’t move. Instead, she stares at me, her chin held high, a look of defiance plastered on her face. "Drew."

"Maybel," I grit her name out through my teeth and then dismiss her, focusing all my attention back on the guy I’m holding hostage. I lean forward, getting right in his face. His panicked gaze darts between us. Poor guy has no idea the shitstorm he got himself into.

"She… she… she grabbed me before I could see who she was… Drew. I promise. I didn't mean to kiss her. If I knew…"

His excuse is fucking laughable at best. Just like the guys who didn’t mean to cheat on their wives. What, did you slip and fall into her vagina?

I cock my head to the side. “On the off chance I actually believe you, which I don’t… But let’s say I did, for shits and giggles. Now, I think I can guess what you’re going to tell me next because guys like you always say the same shit…”

“I didn’t know, man…”

“You didn’t know you were grabbing her ass? Or you didn’t know who she was?”

"No," he squeals like a pig. “I mean, yes. I knew I was grabbing her ass, but I didn’t know who she was. My eyes were closed the entire time.”

“Hmm.” I lean, still holding him by the nape. "What's your name?"

He gulps. "Harvey."

I nod conspiratorially. "Harvey. Tell me, did she taste good to you? Did kissing her get your dick hard, Harvey?" I bite off his name.

“Drew.” Bel looms, her voice taking a softer tone now.

I already know what she’s up to, and if she thinks she’ll be able to stop me from following through on tormenting this fucker for touching her, then she’s going to be really fucking disappointed. I glance her way for half a second. “No, don’t Drew me. You wanted to play, and now we’re playing. See what happens when you push me? See what happens when you taunt the beast?”

Her shoulders slump, and she sighs heavily, then takes a long swig of her vodka. "It wasn't his fault. I just grabbed him and kissed him. It’s not like he asked to kiss me."

"Yeah, but he didn’t stop either. No one puts their lips on you. No one touches you. No one fucking breathes near you, or I will kill them. But before I kill them, I will eviscerate them so they understand how grave of a fucking mistake they’ve made..."

Harvey’s body trembles in my grasp, and he slowly lowers his hands to his sides, his eyes wide and filled with fear. I move closer, invading whatever limited space is left, watching his pupils as they dilate further, his heartbeat picking up another beat.

My gaze is on Bel, though. This is all for her. "Tell me, fuckface, what should your punishment be for touching something that isn’t yours?”

I feel his heavy gulp under my grasp, and he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry… I’m so sorry… I swear…”

“Not as sorry as you’re going to be soon.”

The kitchen has cleared out. Some partygoers stand nearby watching the byplay. Others have just moved on to enjoy the beat elsewhere. Music bumps with a heavy bass through the house almost in time with my steadily increasing heartbeat.

I grasp his left hand in my free one, the other still tight around the back of his neck as I curl my grip around his middle finger and twist. The distinct sound of bone crunching is music to my ears. The little pussy screams and drops to his knees. I let him go and crouch down in front of him. “We aren’t done here, Harvey. Give me your hand.”

He whimpers, and I glance back at Bel, who is standing near my shoulder. Her hand is plastered over her mouth, and she has fresh tears swimming in her eyes. When she sees me looking, she looks away, her gaze focusing on something else.

I stand and snap, “Consequences. This is what happens, Bel. This is what you make me do when you refuse to listen. Now pay attention because next time you let a man touch you, I won’t stop at broken bones, baby.”

She jerks her chin back to Harvey and me, and I direct my attention back to the poor fool again. I drop down to my haunches again and extend my hand out to him, waiting to see if I’ll have to force him or if he’ll be a good boy and listen to me. When he places his trembling hand in mine, I feel the sudden rush of accomplishment. I smirk back at Bel. Tears still coat her eyes but not a single tear has fallen. Her mouth is set into a thin line as if she’s riding the edge of anger. Good. Me fucking too.

No. That’s wrong. I’m free-falling into my anger now, and no one better get in my way.

