The Whole Package Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 157(@200wpm)___ 126(@250wpm)___ 105(@300wpm)

I roll us over so she’s under me and then move between her legs. I thrust my cock deep into her pussy in one hard stroke and I put my hand over her mouth when she cries out.

“Goddamn that mouth of yours,” I grunt as I thrust again. “And goddamn this pussy for being so good.”

She spreads her legs wider as I take her roughly on the bathroom floor and give her what her body demands. She’s dripping wet and on the edge, but it’s too good to stop.

I feel her hand move between us, and I think for a second she’s going to rub her clit. But she surprises me when her fingers move on either side of my cock and she squeezes me.

“Fuck,” I manage to breathe out as I bury my face in her neck.

Her fingers wiggle around to touch my sac, and I can’t hold back any longer. Her pussy tightens and her slick fingers hold me tight as I pump cum into her. Her body responds, and she shouts against my hand as the pleasure spikes through her. We both groan and cling together, and even though this is filthy sex on the floor, it’s still making love. There are no rules when it comes to Bailey, and everything we share is passionate.

I take my hand away, and when she catches her breath she begins to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I ask, kissing her neck and slowly rocking in and out of her. I’m not ready to leave her warmth.

“You are so dirty when you’re turned on.” She kisses my shoulder and I lean up to look at her. “I love it, and I love you,” she says, touching my face.

“I love you, too,” I say, kissing her wrist. I look over to see her diamond and love that I’ve finally got that finger covered. “Now let’s get you cleaned up before I take you to bed and do that all over again,” I say as I pick her up and carry her into the shower.

“You promise?” she asks, and I smile.

“For the rest of my life.”



One month later…

I move the blonde hair off Bailey’s shoulder and kiss her there before I quietly get out of bed. I have a big day planned for my girls, and it’s been killing me keeping this secret from them. I can’t wait to see their faces when they find out what I’ve been up to.

I pull on some pants and a shirt then make quick work in the bathroom before I creep out of the bedroom. I go right for Hazel’s room, and when I push open the door I can see she’s still asleep. Her dog Cookie is laying on the bed next to her. I walk over and sit on the side of the bed and say her name softly.

“Hazel Basil.” Her eyes flutter open sleepy as she looks up at me. “Morning, sweetheart.”

She lets out a big yarn. “Morning,” she mumbles, then her eyes get big. “It’s her birthday.” She sits up in bed quickly, and I can see the excitement in her eyes.

“Calm down. She’s still asleep.” I made sure I wore her out last night so she’d sleep in. I even woke her up in the middle of the night to really make sure. But also because I can’t help myself when it comes to Bailey.

“Oh.” She pauses for a second, unsure of what to do, and I’m pretty sure she’s not fully awake yet.

“Let's feed the animals, then we can make her some breakfast.”

“Yes!” she half screams, then throws her hand over her mouth, knowing she was too loud. “I’ll get ready,” she whispers.

I nod and leave her bedroom and go straight for the coffee pot. I pour Hazel a cup of chocolate milk while I’m at it. She comes out a few minutes later in her overalls and cowboy boots that I got her a few weeks ago. She’s obsessed with them and they look pretty cute on her.

She picks up her milk and takes a big swig before handing me her brush. She turns around and I brush out her hair then pull it into a ponytail for her. I can’t do the fancy braids like Bailey, but I have mastered this much.

“Let’s do this,” she says as we walk out the front door.

For the next hour we work side by side feeding the animals. This has become one of the best parts of my day. I know it’s Hazel’s, too. That’s why I know they are both going to lose it when they find out what I’ve done. God, I can’t wait to show them.

“All done,” Hazel sings-songs.

“Let's wash up and get cooking. What do you think we should make?”

“Chocolate pancakes and…” She pauses for a moment, bending down to cover the baby pig’s ears, the ones we got a week ago. “Bacon,” she whispers. I can’t help but chuckle.

