The Whole Package Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 157(@200wpm)___ 126(@250wpm)___ 105(@300wpm)

“It’s time to go,” Hazel says, looking at her watch.

“You’re right.” I grab my bag and my keys and we walk out of my office, switch off the light as we go.

Shawn said he had a late meeting at the corporate offices this afternoon and wasn’t sure he’d be back in time to pick us up. So I drove with Hazel in the SUV today and he said he’d meet us at home.

“Don’t stay too late,” I call out to Kyle, who is talking to a couple of people in our kitchen area.

“We’re on the way out,” Kyle says and waves at us.

“Hey, do you guys want to come with us and get pizza?” Claire, one of the cashiers, asks.

“Pizza?” Hazel perks up and looks at me.

“No!” shouts Kyle, and we all turn to look at him. “I mean, Shawn isn’t here,” he says defensively and starts to look around. “You wouldn’t want him to miss out on pizza. He loves pizza.”

“Yeah, I guess,” I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

“You don’t want to disappoint him,” Kyle says, grabbing his keys. “Okay, guys, let’s get out of here. Let these ladies get home.”

He rushes everyone out of the kitchen and out the back door before I can even blink.

“What was that about?” I say, mostly to myself.

“He was probably hungry. I am, too,” Hazel says as she follows out behind them. “Let’s go get Shawn and get pizza.”

“Sounds good to me,” I say and shrug.

I send Shawn a quick message before we pull out of the parking lot.

Me: On our way. Be home soon. I love you.

His reply is instant.

Shawn: Can’t wait. See you when you get here.

“Oh great, he’s already there,” I say as I tuck my phone in my purse and we drive towards the house.

When we get there, I see Shawn’s truck parked off to the side and I smile. I love coming home to him. Hazel gets out and when I come around she holds my hand as we walk inside. I’ll never get tired of these sweet shows of affection she gives me. For so long she was shy about expressing her love or just showing the world how happy she was. She’s come so far since my mom left and even more so in the time we’ve been with Shawn. Her future is open to so many possibilities now that we never had before.

When we walk inside the first thing that hits me is the sweet smell of flowers. The whole living room is filled with yellow roses. Every available surface is covered in my favorite flower, and in the middle of it is Shawn.

“Oh my god, what did you do?” I ask as I drop my bag and put my hand over my mouth.

“It’s so pretty,” Hazel says, looking around.

“Come in and have a seat,” he says as he holds his hand out and motions to the couch. “You too, Hazel. Come sit down with Bailey.”

“If you’re in trouble, this is not a bad punishment,” Hazel says as we walk over and sit beside one another.

Shawn laughs then comes to stand in front of us. “Nobody is in trouble. I just want to talk to the both of you.”

He pushes the coffee table out from in front of the couch and then kneels down in front of Hazel. I watch as he takes her hands and smiles sweetly at her.

“Hazel, you are so important to me, and I know how much you mean to Bailey. You are her whole world and I’m so happy that I get to be a part of that.”

My throat gets tight because anytime he’s sweet with her I get emotional.

“You are the center of Bailey’s heart and I know that she wouldn’t make a decision unless it was what you wanted. So, I’m asking you, Hazel, will you let me marry Bailey and become your big brother?”

He takes a ring box out of his pocket and opens it up for her. Inside is a simple band with a row of pink and white diamonds. The tears are falling down my face and I can’t speak as I watch the two of them.

“Yes,” she says as she looks over at me. She’s grinning from ear to ear as Shawn takes her hand and slides it on to her ring finger. She reaches out and gives him a great big hug, and I can’t breathe because it’s so beautiful.

When she lets him go he turns to me and takes my hands.

“Shawn.” I shake my head as he kisses the back of my hand. I’m openly sobbing now, and I don’t think I can speak.

“Bailey, I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you. I know that Hazel is in your life forever and I’m the luckiest man in the world that I get to be a part of it.” He kisses my hand again and I watch as he takes another ring box out and opens it up.

