The Soccer Mom’s Bad Boy Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 47819 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 239(@200wpm)___ 191(@250wpm)___ 159(@300wpm)

She didn’t exhibit any of the fear one would expect, but instead her body language showed her to be more protective of her mom.

I set about putting her at ease as I opened the door and helped her in the back before seating Ilene in the front passenger seat and buckling her in.

“So Alana, do you have any questions for me?” I could see that my question surprised both of them but I’d done my homework and knew I had to make an end run around them.

I knew I had her when she sat forward and placed herself between us. “I need you to sit back and put your seatbelt on for me princess.” I waited until she complied before pulling out again.

“So let’s have it, what do you want to know?”

“Why do you want to date my mom?”

Smart kid. “Why? Because I like her, your mom is a very beautiful woman. I took one look at her and knew I wanted to get to know her better.”

“If you’re my mom’s age how come you don’t have a wife and kids of your own?”

“My job kept me busy for a long time, but like you said, I’m getting old and it’s time to settle down.

“Do you like kids?” I don’t know what her mom told her about me, had no idea what her thoughts were about her mom dating again, but I heard and felt the pain in that question and knew where it was coming from.

If the asshole as I’d come to think of him had been standing in front of me I would’ve bitch slapped his ass for what he’d done to his little girl. She’s yours now Dane, remember that and fix it.

I had to play it cool though, it was early days yet and although the kid seemed straight, there was no telling what the fuck was really going on with a preteen these days. I was hoping that the next few days would give me all that I needed to sew her up tight too.

“I love the ones I know which aren’t that many. If you give me a chance to get to know you and you get to know me, then I’m thinking we’ll like each other.”

Ilene kept her silence as her daughter interrogated me like she worked for the CIA. I had to give it to the kid; she didn’t pull her punches. If there was any lingering hurt from her dad’s desertion I didn’t see too much evidence of that, other than what one would expect.

By the time we pulled up to the restaurant, which was already doing a pretty good business for a Saturday morning, they were both a little more relaxed in my company.

I kept my eyes and my hands to myself though it was a bit hard to do. Ilene had chosen to go with a sundress. No it wasn’t revealing per se, but I guess she didn’t take into consideration the fact that she had to walk in the thing, and what her body’s movements under the damn thing would do to the general public, or namely me.

I was going to have to get used to the idea that my woman was a stone cold fox. A look around showed that I wasn’t the only one who thought so, but it just took me raising my shades and giving the place a good glare for the interested parties to decide they weren’t willing to risk it.

We chose a booth where I put them both in the safe spot before taking my seat. Everything I did was casual like, it would take another trained professional to catch the signs, but I was on high alert.

That was something else I’d known was going to change. Whereas before I had only myself to look out for, I was now taking on two innocents.

I let Alana take point on this first of what I hoped would be many family outings, because I understood that although I’d spent hours the night before buried deep inside her mother, she was the deciding factor. I understood and accepted that and was actually proud of my girl because of it.

Research had given me the bare bones, but watching the interactions between the two of them would give me the rest. I felt relaxed, more so than I thought I would in this situation.

Under cover of my dark shades I studied Ilene in the light of day. I was also very aware of my feelings in her company and was pleased to note that the attraction went deeper than just the physical. I actually really fucking liked her.

I liked listening to her voice as she spoke to her kid, or the easy way they laughed with each other. I liked even more the ease with which they both included me. All in all it was a good start.

