The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

After I’ve located Camille’s phone and switched it off, I wander through the palatial apartment, taking in all of the surroundings, trying to ignore the garish décor as I mentally calculate the distance I’m putting between Cami and me. I pop my head around the few doors I pass to check for windows and possible ways of entry, and once I’m satisfied that there’s no chance of anyone getting in or past me without being detected, I wander into the lounge.

Ms. Bell is perched on one of the couches, which are definitely there for show rather than comfort. She looks up at me as I lower to the one opposite her. I don’t try to get comfortable. It’d be impossible. She hands me a tiny china cup, and I pass it between my hands a few times, the thing feeling like a thimble in my big grasp. I give up trying to hold it delicately and place it on the glowing gold table in front of me. “Thank you,” I say, feeling her studying me.

My main objective these past few unbearable hours has been to find Cami. I haven’t given much thought to what I’d do beyond that. Now’s the time to figure all that out.

“How did you get into my house?” she asks, her eyes running up and down my frame suspiciously.

She should be suspicious. I think it best to avoid the details of how I slipped the locks, crept through the apartment, and sniffed her daughter out like I could be a bloodhound hunting a fox. “Cami let me in,” I reply smoothly instead. I can’t quite tell whether she believes me, so I decide it’s best to change the subject as quickly as possible. “Were you aware that your ex-husband paid off Cami’s ex-boyfriend and funded his rehab?”

She laughs under her breath, stirring her tea. “It doesn’t surprise me. Does Camille know?”

“I haven’t told her yet. There’s a lot I need to figure out.”

“Like what?”

“Like the true threat to your daughter. Something wasn’t sitting right from the day Logan hired me. He kept information from me and when I questioned him, he pulled my protection. I don’t think his disapproval of my relationship with Cami is the only reason he wants me gone. He’s hiding something, and I intend to find out what it is.”

Her eyebrows jump up, surprised, but then she laughs. “He must really dislike you, Jake.”

My cheeks puff on a little huff. That’s confirmed. He’s paid Cami’s scumbag ex to press charges against me. The one who’s slapped her around a few times. Anything to get me out of the picture, since I won’t be taking his payoff.

There’s more to this than a simple disapproval of me. He’s worried I might find out something he doesn’t want found.

“The feeling’s mutual,” I say. “I will find out what’s going on. She’ll be safe with me until then.”

She smiles, telling me all I need to know. She approves. It’s a relief, even if I don’t give a shit in what capacity that is, whether she’s relishing the knowledge that her manipulating ex-husband has finally met his match, or whether she’s genuinely happy that I clearly feel so strongly for her daughter. Something tells me it’s both.

“I have no doubt,” she says quietly.

Looking past her, I see Cami entering the room.

“Hey.” She pads over, looking like a beacon of glowing gorgeousness in a simple black dress. Her hair is cascading over one shoulder as she combs through it with her fingers, her face free from any makeup.

“Sweetie pie,” her mother sings, joining me as I stand. Her sickly pet name for my angel is over the top and grating, and I can tell Cami feels the same about it. “Would you like some tea?”

Cami shakes her head and homes in on me, tucking herself into my side. “Thanks for the clothes.” She indicates her dress, prompting me to take another appreciative peek.

“You’re welcome. Now, I should be going,” Ms. Bell announces. “I’m already late.” She comes over, giving Cami a fond smile before taking her from my side and cuddling her. “You are more than welcome to stay here, sweetie pie.”

“No need,” I say without thought or consideration for her mother’s feelings. That’s not happening.

Cami looks up at me in question as her mother releases her. “Really?” she asks, her worry obvious.

“Really,” I affirm, knowing exactly where I’m taking her until I sort this mess out. I ignore Cami’s evident curiosity and turn to her mother. “It was a pleasure.”

She laughs and surprises me when she reaches up and forces me into her embrace. My arms remain by my sides, my whole body tense. “Don’t underestimate my ex-husband,” she whispers in my ear. “And don’t you dare break my baby’s heart.”

I keep my mouth firmly closed. I’m not deluded. I’m not ignorant to the fact that I could hurt her more than anything else. More than her ex. More than her father. The way she sees me, the pedestal she’s put me on, I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve her. If I were her father, I’d try to keep me away as well.

