The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

I slip my phone back into my pocket, seeing Chloe rejoin her husband. Her smile is fake as she approaches and slips an arm around Camille’s shoulders, hugging her, and I can see from here that Camille stiffens in response. Then another man approaches the group and the Neanderthal in me screams like a demon to be let loose when he leans in and kisses Cami’s cheek. Logan smiles fondly and Camille grimaces, jerking away. A suitor? The son of a friend that Logan plans on marrying Camille off to? I growl deep in my throat. He makes her skin crawl. He makes my skin crawl. Camille backs away from the group and her father’s face drops in disappointment, but she doesn’t give him the opportunity to keep her there.

She’s passing me quickly, looking as eager to escape the confines of the extensive mansion as I am. I fall in behind her and quicken my pace to pass so I can open the door for her. I use the opportunity to look back as I hold the door, seeing Logan watching us leave, his face thoughtful as his stare falls to mine. I lock eyes with him for longer than I should, unable to stop myself from narrowing them. It’s a stupid move; I shouldn’t be spiking any suspicion, but seeing him trying to throw his daughter at that prick rattles me dangerously.

“I need to say good-bye to Heather,” Camille says, heading down toward the pool. I have no choice but to follow when all I want to do is gather her up, take her home, and keep her safe from her father’s debasing world.

She finds Heather quickly, whispering something in her ear, and Camille’s best friend’s eyes smile, but her mouth remains straight as she nods her agreement to whatever Camille has said. I know I’m under close inspection from elsewhere, and I look to my side, seeing an older woman looking at me knowingly. Heather’s mother. I don’t give any indication that may confirm what she may or may not be thinking, ensuring I maintain my professional front.

“Ready?” Camille asks, approaching me.

“Just keep walking,” I say under my breath, spotting Logan’s personal security exiting the orangery and scanning the pool area.

Cami continues past me as ordered, and I discreetly scan the crowds as I walk behind her, taking in all the faces, hyper-aware. Reaching behind my back, I feel my gun, reminding myself that it’s there and waiting to blow out the brains of anyone who tries to stop us from leaving. That look I gave Logan—I shouldn’t have challenged him like that.

Once we’re out of the garden area and rounding the house, I move to Camille’s side and slip my palm onto her lower back, pushing her along.

“You’re twitchy.” She looks up at me as I gauge the distance to my Range Rover. “Why?”

“I just want to get you home.” I pull the door open and physically lift her into the seat before rounding the front quickly and hopping in. As I start the engine, I see Logan’s apes come barreling around the corner.

“Hey, what do Pete and Grant want?” Camille asks, throwing me a questioning look. I pull off down the drive, faster than I planned, my head whizzing. “Jake!”

“I don’t know, Cami,” I grate, picking up speed.

“It could be some news,” she says innocently. “Maybe Dad’s found out who’s been sending the threats.”

“I don’t think they want to talk about the threats.” I’m only half-lying, but what can I tell her? That I think her father’s hiding something? I don’t feel in the least bit guilty for hiding the most recent photographs from her—the ones that I found on the windscreen of her car. She has enough on her plate.

“Then what?” she asks.

“What do you think your father would do if he found out about us?” I glance across the car and find horror etched all over her face.

“He’d say no one is good enough for me. Only some idiot business associate’s son.”

“I know that, angel. But you haven’t answered my question.”

“He’d do anything to keep you away.” She looks pained as she openly admits what we both know. “But you are good enough,” she says quietly.

“I don’t think your father will agree, angel.” I reach over and take her hand, squeezing some reassurance into it, choosing to keep the tiny detail that he paid Seb off to the tune of 100K to myself. It’s irrelevant, since it hasn’t worked, and it’ll only upset Camille, for no other reason than it’s her father taking her life into his hands again. There’s nothing unreasonable about Logan’s motives. Camille’s fierce desire to be independent isn’t always a good thing, especially where abusive ex-boyfriends are concerned. Stubborn little thing.

“I don’t care what he thinks, Jake,” she spits out shortly. “He’s obsessed with controlling everything around him. He will not control me. I’m not marrying a man so Dad can make a few more millions!”

