The Magic of Heart Mountain – Heart Mountain Read Online K.C. Lynn

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 38335 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 153(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

I scold myself for wishful thinking, something I know better than to do. I live in a reality where wishes don’t exist—only hard work and maybe some luck along the way. You choose your fate.

That thought has me shifting my attention to the mountain that overlooks our town, its heart-shaped peak mocking me as Hollis’ words echo like a drum.

What if it was the mountain that day? Maybe there’s some truth to the legend after all.

I meant what I said: I don’t believe in magic. But, I have to admit, the circumstances surrounding that first day are eerily coincidental…

Don’t go there, Cross.

Shaking my head, I climb out of the truck and head into the house. The faint sound of Christmas music greets my ears the moment I enter.

In the kitchen, I find Poppy and Hollis sliding freshly baked cookies off a baking sheet. They wear matching Christmas aprons which must be a recent purchase since I haven’t seen them before today.

I hang back for a moment and absorb the scene before me, enjoying the way Hollis’ ass looks in her skin-tight leggings. The bottom of her red sweater rests just above the slight curve, enticing me in every way. My palm twitches as I remember how that supple flesh sounds beneath my hand when I make her beg for my cock…

“Dang it,” Poppy’s voice yanks me from the thought. “The tip of my tree just broke off.”

“It’s okay,” Hollis assures her gently, her voice a soothing balm. “We’ll use some icing to fix it. No one will ever know.”

“We can also make sure Mike gets this one,” my sister adds with a snicker.

I suppress a grunt as Hollis’ laughter echoes through the kitchen. “Knowing your brother, I’m sure he won’t mind.”

She’s right, I won’t because a cookie is a fucking cookie, but nice to know my sister saves the broken shit for me.

Clearing my throat, I make myself known before walking into the kitchen.

Hollis’ head snaps up as I enter and the smile that takes over her face rights every wrong that has ever happened in my life. “Hey, you’re home early.”

“Yeah, quiet day.” My tone reveals just how affected I am by her presence because as my sister says, I’m a chump.

Poppy jumps off the chair she’s standing on and races over to me. Bending down, I scoop her up in my arms and am rewarded with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. It makes that broken cookie completely meaningless.

“Hey, Mountie Mike,” she greets, flashing me a gapped-tooth smile.

“Hey, twerp.”

“Look what Hollis bought us when we went shopping today.” She points to the red and black checkered apron with a baby deer on it that says “little sister.”

My gaze shifts to a smiling Hollis, and notice her matching apron says “big sister.”

The symbols pack a powerful punch.

“Aren’t they great?” my sister says, her tone as bright as her smile.

“Yeah. I like them.”

“And guess what else?” Her eyes sparkle with renewed excitement.

“What?” I ask, feeling a smirk form.

“She bought me a dress to wear for Christmas Eve at Ellie’s.”

That grin drops like an anchor, my attention snapping to Hollis, who suddenly avoids my gaze.

She knows damn well how I feel about her buying Poppy things. The aprons are one thing, but buying her clothing is another.

“She did, did she?” I finally say, doing my best to keep my thoughts out of my voice.

“Yep,” my sister confirms brightly, oblivious to the sudden tension. “Put me down, and I’ll go try it on for you.” She pushes against my chest, prompting me to set her back on her feet. “We’ll make it a fashion show!”

“Great idea!” Hollis exclaims, clasping her hands together. “I’ll help you.”

She attempts to escape, but I snag her arm before she can get too far.

“How about you hang back for a moment?”

She winces, knowing she’s in shit.

“I’ll call you when I’m ready,” Poppy tells her, continuing up the stairs.

Once her bedroom door closes, I turn to Hollis, my disapproval evident in every line of my face.

“Before you say anything, it was on sale,” she rushes to say.

“How much?” I ask, striving to keep my tone controlled.

She flicks a hand through the air. “Cheap. Very cheap.”

My jaw tightens at the apparent brush-off. “How much, Hollis?”

She licks those pretty pink lips, getting more nervous by the second. “I don’t remember exactly because I bought other things too, but the shoes were on sale as well and—”

“Shoes too?” I growl, cutting her off.

“Yes, and a bow and a handbag, but—”

I silence whatever else she is about to say with my mouth, unable to resist the temptation of her sweet lips and generosity towards my sister.

She meets my ferocity with a soft moan, her arms wrapping around my neck.

Drawing her closer, I lift her into my arms, her feet dangling just inches above the floor. Her slim body fits against mine like a missing piece, the impact of our connection dissolving my frustration in an instant.

