The Magic of Heart Mountain – Heart Mountain Read Online K.C. Lynn

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 38335 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 153(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“Probably because none of the other accidents involved his parked vehicle,” I mutter, the sting of that embarrassing moment still fresh.

The three of them chuckle, clearly finding it as amusing as Poppy did when she found out.

If it wasn’t me, I’d think it was funny too.

“Don’t beat yourself up over it,” Ellie says, trying to soften the blow. “It could have happened to any of us.”

I doubt that, but I appreciate her sentiment, regardless.

“Where did this little fender bender happen anyway?” Harlow asks, taking a leisurely sip of her drink.

“Across the street from that gas station on the way into town,” I explain, recalling the scene vividly. “Right in front of that heart-shaped mountain.”

Deafening silence falls over the table, all three of them exchanging a look that doesn’t include me.

“Well, this just keeps getting better by the second,” Harlow comments on a chuckle.

I look around the table, wondering what I’m missing.

“Heart Mountain has a legend,” Penny explains with a smile.

“A legend?” I repeat, thinking I just heard her wrong.

She nods.

“What kind of legend?”

Ellie jumps in, eager to answer. “It’s said the mountain has magical powers that can unite two souls destined to be together,” she says, a hint of amusement coating her tone. “According to the legend, at the stroke of midnight under a full moon, if you share a kiss on the mountain’s ledge, you’ll be bound to your one true love forever.”

My gaze sweeps over each woman before me, waiting for one of them to break the facade, but it never happens. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope,” Ellie replies, sounding all too cheerful about that. “It’s a legend that has spanned lifetimes. Most people don’t give it much merit anymore, but back in the day, the town truly believed in its powers to make people fall in love.”

“That must be why you keep running into Mike wherever you go,” Harlow interjects, clearly amused. “The mountain is working its magic on the two of you.”

I roll my eyes at the absurd statement. “Shall I remind you that this happened in the morning and no kiss was shared?”

“But you wanted to,” she asserts boldly, popping a peanut into her mouth.

“Did not!” I counter defensively.

She shoots me a doubtful look. “Are you telling me you don’t find that man attractive?”

“Of course I do,” I admit, knowing there’s no point in denying it. “I’m sure every woman on this planet does, but that doesn’t mean I want to kiss him. And even if I did, which I don’t,” I emphasize, “it doesn’t change the fact that the guy hates me.”

I make the statement rather casually, but deep down, it stings. Usually, I don’t care what people think of me, but after meeting Poppy and now knowing he’s a friend of Ellie’s, it bothers me more than I care to admit; especially when there’s no validation for it. Well, aside from the fact that I hit his car, but that was a complete accident.

“No way,” Ellie denies vehemently. “I refuse to believe that. Mike messed up, but deep down, he’s a good guy. He’ll make things right. You’ll see. I bet he even gives you the apology you deserve.”

I very much doubt that, but I remind myself they are friends. “Well, he did scrape my windows afterward,” I admit begrudgingly. “And gave me his snow brush.”

“Now, that’s the Mike I know,” Harlow chimes proudly.

“Same,” Ellie follows with a warm smile.

“Um, guys,” Penny cuts in nervously. “Don’t look now, but the subject of conversation is headed this way, and he looks to be on a mission.”

Despite her warning, I glance over and end up making direct eye contact. “Shit,” I sputter, quickly averting my gaze.

“Stay calm,” Harlow murmurs through her smile. “I’ve got this.”

Grateful for the support, I reach for my drink, using it as a distraction to avoid any and all contact.

“Hey, Mike,” Ellie greets him cheerfully, a little too cheerfully.

“Hey,” his voice echoes right behind me, the deep timber enveloping my senses like a warm caress.

Good god. What is wrong with me?

“What brings you over to our little hen party?” Harlow asks, her tone playful. “Got bored hanging out with those yahoos over there and decided to come have some real fun?”

He grunts, unamused by her sarcasm. “I’m about to head home but was hoping to talk with Hollis for a minute first.”

Surprise jolts through me, my eyes locking with his. “Me?” I croak.

He nods. “Got a sec?”

His gaze lacks its usual animosity, causing me pause.

Before I have a chance to respond, Harlow jumps in, saving the day. “We were just about to head out ourselves as well.”

Relief floods me for her quick thinking.

“Since you are too, maybe you can give Hollis a ride home instead?”

Panic seizes my chest, rooting me to my seat. What the hell is she doing?

“That’s a great idea,” Ellie adds, joining my demise. “It will give you guys time to talk.”

