Textual Relations Read Online Lauren Rowe

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 64887 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 324(@200wpm)___ 260(@250wpm)___ 216(@300wpm)

“Thanks, Dad!” I hear Drew calling out in the driveway, followed by the sound of a car door slamming shut. I walk toward the front door, eager to greet my son, and, of course, my movement awakens Daisy and prompts her to shuffle toward the door alongside me.

“Hey, Mom!” Drew says brightly, after flying through the front door. He hugs me, and then our faithful pooch, and asks if there’s anything to eat.

“Yeah, I picked up some food for you from the Greek place. I figured you’d be hungry.”


We head into the kitchen together, and I get busy pulling the food I got for him out of the fridge.

“Did you have fun with your father?” I ask, taking care to keep my voice light and non-judgmental, as best I can. Since day one, I’ve been careful not to shit-talk Andre to Drew, even when my inner dialog was anything but kind. With the help of my brilliant therapist, I’ve realized it’s vitally important not to make Drew ever feel like he has to pick sides between Andre and me. I’ve realized Andre only made those marriage vows to me. Yes, he was a shitty husband. A liar and cheater. Emotionally abusive and manipulative. But, perhaps, over time, he could partly make that up to me by becoming a better father to our son.

“The weekend was fine,” Drew says. He takes a seat at our kitchen table. “I barely saw Dad, though. He was too busy with his new girlfriend to pay much attention to me. But Kellan came over from across the street and we played video games all weekend, so that was cool.”

I force myself not to scoff too loudly. “Here you go. I got extra tzatziki sauce for you.”

“Thanks.” He digs right in. “So, what’d you do this weekend?”

“I went out for drinks with Victoria and a few others on Friday night, which was fun. And other than that, I worked out and relaxed.” It’s all technically true. Granted, my “workout” consisted of having more orgasms in a two-day span than I’ve ever had in my life. And when I “relaxed,” it was naked in bed with Grayson. But, hey, not a false word was spoken.

“You want to watch a movie tonight?” I ask, after watching Drew chowing down happily for a long moment. “I’m even willing to watch one of your horror movies, if it’ll convince you to hang out with me.”

“Can’t,” he says. “Sorry. I’ve got to do a big group project with Eddie tonight.”

“When’s it due?”



“It’s not my fault, Mom. The other two people in the group had to do their parts before Eddie and I can do ours, and they only just finished an hour ago.” He flashes me his dimpled smile—the one he knows melts me the most. “Eddie invited me to spend the night tonight, so we can work all night, if needed. Can I go? His mom already said yes, as long as it’s okay with you.”

My heart lurches with excitement, but I try to keep my face impassive and unreadable. But it’s a lucky break! Every fiber of my body wanted to book that hotel room with Grayson for a third night! And now, if he’s game, I can do exactly that!

“Eddie’s mom said she’d drive us to school tomorrow morning,” Drew says, obviously interpreting my excited silence as a “no.”

“I don’t like sleepovers on school nights,” I say, simply because that’s what I’d normally say in this scenario, if I weren’t chomping at the bit to shag a certain twenty-five-year-old again.

“I know, but this is for school, Mom. We might have to stay up really late tonight, working.”

“Will you promise to get to sleep no later than eleven?”

“How about midnight, just in case the project takes that long?”

“Okay. Deal.”

His face bursting with excitement, Drew gets up and kisses my cheek, like he’s won a major concession from me. So, I pat his back and let him think it.

“Can you drive me to Eddie’s, or should I ride my bike?”

“I’ll take you, so you don’t have to leave your bike over there tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, yeah. Thanks, Mom.”

“Go get your stuff. We’ll leave now, so you have as much time as possible to work on your project.”

“Awesome! Thanks again!” And off he goes upstairs, with our dog, Daisy, traipsing happily behind him.

I watch Drew and Daisy disappear up the stairs, and the second they’re out of sight, I breathlessly pick up my phone to text Grayson about my unexpected availability tonight. But to my surprise, my phone pings as I’m lifting it with a new text from Grayson!

Grayson: Sorry if I’m sending this text way too soon in violation of my promise to you, but my thirst to behold your pulchritude must be slaked! When can I see you again, goddess? Tell me when I can take you to dinner!

