Tempt – Cloverleigh Farms Read Online Melanie Harlow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Forbidden, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 92140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

“So wrong,” I said as I set a rhythm over her, fully hard once again.

“But it just feels so right,” she whispered. Her eyes opened, locking with mine. “Stay, Zach. Stay a while longer. Just because it feels so good.”

“God, you’re tempting,” I growled. “If you were anyone else, I’d have been gone already.”

“Give me tonight,” she whispered. “We can have tonight and make it last.”

I should have said no. I should have gotten out of her bed, put my clothes on, kissed her cheek, and said goodbye. That would have been the right thing to do, and doing the right thing mattered to me.

But in that moment, she mattered more.



I woke up with his arm around me, my body tucked inside the curve of his chest and hips and legs.

For five full minutes, I didn’t move—I didn’t shift, I didn’t stretch, I didn’t blink. I barely allowed myself to breathe, afraid of breaking the spell.

But I did smile. I couldn’t help it.

Last night had been incredible. I’d never had so much fun with anyone. I’d never trusted anyone so deeply. I’d never been with anyone as generous as he was demanding, as tender as he was strong, as playful as he was aggressive. I’d never let anyone do the things to me Zach did, and I’d never wanted to please someone the way I wanted to please him. From the blowjob at the front door to the vibrator game to sitting on his face—all of it was brand new. With anyone else, I’d have been scared and self-conscious. But Zach had a way of putting me at ease, making me feel confident and sexy, even when he made it seem like I had no choice but to do what he said.

Was it his tone of voice? His maturity? His age? I’d grown up the oldest sister, so setting the tone and being in charge came easily to me. It was a role I was used to playing in relationships too, and because I tended to date guys my sisters called “lost puppies,” the dynamic never varied. I’d grown comfortable with it. I felt safe with it. Having the upper hand—physically and emotionally—meant I was rarely insecure or worried about being abandoned.

When someone needed you more than you needed them, it gave you power.

With Zach, I didn’t feel that sense of power, but I also didn’t feel like I needed it. This wasn’t a relationship. It couldn’t be.

It was a fling.

Secret. Forbidden. A little dangerous. So unlike me.

Maybe that was the key—I was finally off the hamster wheel, like Winnie said. Granted, jumping off blind the way that I did came with an unexpected hitch (I’d jumped right into the arms of my ex’s dad), but not on purpose. And was it so wrong to let myself have this one thing for fun? As long as no one got hurt?

Zach stirred behind me, his breathing becoming louder and more irregular. Light was filtering through my bedroom blinds, hazy and soft.

“What time is it?” he asked sleepily.

“I’m not sure, but I think you missed your flight.”

His arm tightened around me. “Oops.”

I laughed and snuggled back against him. “What will you do?”

“Guess I’ll have to rebook.”

“Will you still leave today?”

He exhaled. “I don’t know. Originally, I told Mason I was available for some kind of wedding brunch. What about you? Are you working?”

“Nope. I have today off. What time is the brunch?”

“Eleven, I think. What time is it now?”

I reached for my phone and checked the time. “It’s just before eight.” Then I saw Mason’s name pop up on the screen. “Oh my God.”


I looked back at him over my shoulder. “I just got a text from Mason. I’m scared to read it.”

Zach fell onto his back and closed his eyes.

“Maybe it’s nothing.” I opened it up and read it out loud. “Hey Millie, just wanted to thank you again for last night. Everything was perfect. Lori and I also wanted to invite you to brunch this morning if you’re not busy. It’s at eleven at Marmalade, just immediate family and a few close friends. We’d really like to treat you for going above and beyond for us—plus we have a special announcement. Hope you can make it.” I looked at Zach, but his eyes were still closed. “I’ll tell him I can’t come.”

He exhaled and brought his hands behind his head. “You can go if you want.”

“No, I don’t belong there.” I quickly replied to Mason, thanking him for the invitation but saying I was meeting my sisters for breakfast at our mom’s bakery. “Done.” I set my phone back on the charger and snuggled close to Zach again. “That’s just awkwardness we don’t need.”

“No.” He put an arm around me.

“I wonder what their special announcement is.”

Zach exhaled heavily. “I think I know.”

