Seducing the Cowboy – Circle B Ranch Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82279 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

Her parents break and train younger horses who sometimes get out of control. She's always prepared and takes safety seriously by wearing a helmet, but I don’t know if that’s enough. To ease my worry, I text her on my break.

Payton: Did you eat lunch?

Kaitlyn: Drinking a protein shake now, and before you remind me, I’ve already taken my vitamins.

Payton: Good! Do you need anything? Are you feeling fatigued?

Kaitlyn: I'm fine. About to get Malice in the arena before he’s picked up tomorrow.

Payton: Don't overdo it, and drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated.

Kaitlyn: I won't, and yes, I always do.

Payton: If you start feeling sick, take a break.

She doesn't respond, but moments later, my phone rings, and it’s her.

"What's wrong?" I immediately ask.

"Payton, you need to chill!" She chuckles. "I'm fine, I promise."

"I'm just checkin' on you. I don't want you to be distracted while workin' with the horses and get kicked or fall."

"The only thing distractin’ me right now is you. So please, calm down. You being anxious is makin’ me anxious."

I blow out a steady breath, pacing. "Sorry. I hate that I had to leave abruptly this morning."

"I understand. This is all new to me too. Tonight, we can look up the baby’s size at each stage and browse nursery stuff."

Hearing the smile in her voice puts one on my face.

"It's a date. I'll grab food and be home around six thirty."

After we end the call, I meet up with Knox and Kane for lunch. We sit at the picnic table outside the barn and chow down on the food Harper brought us. Ever since Knox found out she created a special club sandwich for Ethan, he’s begged her to make them for him too. So now she brings some for all of us about once a week just to appease him. She probably just wants to shut him up.

I set my phone on the table, waiting for Kaitlyn's response about what she wants from the B&B since Maize has two different options on the menu.

"I'm gonna grab a water from the fridge. Y’all need anything?" I ask as I stand from the table.

They shake their heads as they stare at their screens, most likely chatting with their wives.

I head to the barn and return moments later. Kane’s looking at something and laughing.

"What’s funny?"

"BD? What's BD stand for?" he asks.

I tap my screen and see her message.

Kaitlyn: I'll take the beef tips. Thanks, BD!

Fuck. Nosy bastard.

"It probably means Big Dick, right? Now that y'all are livin’ together, there's no way she ain’t seen it," Kane continues.

I kick him underneath the table, nailing his boot. "Dude, shut the fuck up."

"Big Dick is a good nickname to have. I don't know what you're pissed about," Knox complains.

"Respect your sister," I warn.

"Oh, that’s nothing compared to the shit she's done or said to us," he retorts, and Kane laughs in agreement.

I glower at the two of them.

Once I finish my food, I leave and go back to work. It's our busy season, and I want to get out of here on time.

"The baby’s the size of a poppy seed!" Kaitlyn gushes. "That's so tiny."

We've been looking for a good pregnancy app for the past half hour. Since Kaitlyn has meticulously tracked her cycle, she can easily track her pregnancy progress. Right now, she's four weeks and two days along.

"Look how big it is at thirty weeks," I say, showing her the picture.

Her eyes widen. "Bishop babies are big too...would not surprise me if this baby came out at ten pounds."

I arch a brow. "For your sake, I hope not."

"So I called and told Maize during my lunch break. Her excited screams nearly made me deaf."

I chuckle. Sounds like something Maize would do.

"Do you think everyone else will have the same reaction?" I ask cautiously. I know it's a sensitive topic since she's the only one having a baby without a boyfriend.

She shrugs, scrolling on her phone. "Once the shock wears off, I think they'll be stoked. I just hope you're ready for twenty questions about why we aren't together."

"Because we're just friends and don't want to ruin what we have." I repeat what we’ve both said since the beginning.

"Right! They'll get over it, eventually."

My heart sinks at the thought of her family not approving of the pregnancy. Though the Bishops have always been excited about a new addition, it doesn't mean they'll agree with our "one-night stand."

"Your brothers peeked at my phone when you texted me earlier. They asked what BD meant."

Her eyes widen as she looks up at me. "Oh shit. What'd you say?"

"I didn't say anything, told them to fuck off, but of course they ran their mouths and suggested it meant Big Dick."

She bursts out laughing. "Don't worry, I'll get even with them."

I snort. "You always do."

