Seducing the Cowboy – Circle B Ranch Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82279 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

“Don’t ask me. Can’t stand that devil woman.”

Mom playfully slaps him. “She’s a nice lady.”

Dad and I make eye contact, but I refuse to get pulled into this argument. They all know how I feel about her. Honestly, Widowmaker was easier to handle than Susan Henderson.

“Gavin’s gonna grab him when she arrives. We’ve got it,” I tell them.

Twenty minutes later, Mrs. Henderson pulls up with her luxurious horse trailer that has the horse’s photo airbrushed on both sides. A bit obnoxious for my taste, but I’m also not surprised.

“How’s my big boy doin’?” she asks. Her jewelry, belt, and the jewels on her boots rattle with each step she takes.

“He’s great,” I say, just as Gavin leads him over. Somehow he makes her horse look like a pony. “I think you’re gonna be impressed with his progress.”

She smiles wide. “I knew you’d get it done, Kaitlyn. I’m willing to say you’re better at this than your parents.”

I know she means it as a compliment, so I keep my smile planted. “Oh, thank you, but I don’t know about that. My mom is the best around. She taught me everything. Well, and my dad, too.”

“So how much do I owe you?”

I lead her to my office to sign the release and document her final payment.

Without hesitation, she writes a check, signs the paperwork, and then she’s out the door.

“You good?” Gavin asks me as we make our way back to the barn.

“Yeah, but I’m gonna miss that cranky horse. I get too attached.” I frown, and he chuckles.

“Nothin’ wrong with that. Just means you’re actually a big ole softy and like to act scary so people fear ya,” he teases.

I swat at him but miss because he’s one of the only ranch hands who isn’t intimidated by me. Then again, he married Maize, and her attitude is worse than mine.

“I’m telling your wife to withhold lovin’ for a week if you spill my secret.”

He chuckles. “I’d like to see ya try.”

“Make it a month!”

Gavin shakes his head and goes back to what he was doing before I asked for his help.

For the rest of the morning, I stay busy doing work in the saddle and don’t get a free moment to think while switching out horses.

By the time lunch rolls around, I don’t have an appetite, but Mom brought leftovers, and I couldn’t say no to her spaghetti and homemade meatballs.

While eating in my office, I read several articles and forums about fertility issues. Several blogs mention cleaning up my diet. I’ve already tried a handful of ridiculous things and cut back on my caffeine. Then I find one that lists a number of things the male partner can do.

Maybe Maize has the right idea after all.

Kaitlyn: Hey BD! We’re gonna have to fuck more often.

I know he’s busy as hell, so I’m shocked when he immediately replies.

Payton: More than twice a day like we were?

Kaitlyn: Yes, it’s obviously not enough. So as soon as my period’s over, we’re starting again. Getting way ahead of my ovulation might secure your little swimmers are in there when I do ovulate.

Payton: Okay.

Kaitlyn: Also, I’m really gonna need you to stop wearing the briefs and switch to straight old-fashioned boxers.

Payton: Uhh.

Kaitlyn: I already ordered them for you.

Payton: And what’s that gonna do?

Kaitlyn: Be less restricting and give you super sperm.

Kaitlyn: Oh and you gotta eat Brazilian nuts until I’m knocked up. Allegedly, they help your little swimmers’ mobility and increase testosterone.

Payton: It’s only been five or six weeks, Kate.

Kaitlyn: Right, but each day is another one closer to my 31st birthday!

Payton: Are you still meeting me at the horse rescue at 1?

I notice the abrupt change in subject, but I’m happy for the reminder. I’m supposed to meet him in about fifteen minutes so we can make sure everything’s on track to get done in a couple of weeks.

Kaitlyn: Yep, that’s the plan.

Payton: Awesome! Your brothers are around, and they have wandering eyes anytime I get on my phone. See ya in a few.

Kaitlyn: Sounds good.

Instead of locking my phone, I make a list of things I haven’t tried yet, like eating the core of a pineapple when I’m ovulating or using a magic menstrual cup to keep the sperm inside longer after sex. One article talked about placing egg whites in my hoo-ha, but that’s where I’m drawing the line.

As soon as my mom walks in and stands next to my desk, I lock my phone and finish eating.

“How was it?” she asks, grabbing a bottle of water from my mini fridge.

“The best. Always love your cookin’. Kinda miss it,” I admit.

She smiles. “I miss you being home too. It’s taken some adjustin’. That’s for sure.”

“I’m just down the road,” I remind her.

“Oh, I know. I was just spoiled havin’ all the kids around, and now that the house is empty, it’s a daily reminder that we’re all gettin’ a little older and that my babies are grown up.”

