Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

I stayed clear of the creature, glad that it was chained to the side of the building. But just then the front door opened and two people came out—a man and a woman. And one of them was familiar.

“You can’t just not pay—you tried ‘em both!” the woman shouted. She was Salashion with four arms and long black hair that reached down to her ankles. Her dress was askew and hanging off one shoulder, showing that she apparently had four breasts as well as four arms.

The man, I saw, was Jerx. He was fastening his uniform trousers as he walked.

“Fuck you, lady—both of ‘em were so loose I couldn’t feel a damn thing!” he snarled.

“My twats are nice and tight!” she shot back. “Maybe the problem is your tiny dick!”

I didn’t want to get into the middle of this—or be seen by Jerx—but there was nowhere to hide. Well, except a large metal bin that smelled like a dumpster across from the whorehouse.

There was no way I was going to climb in that thing, but I didn’t mind hiding behind it. I hurried over, meaning to duck around the backside, but just then I heard someone calling my name.

“Hey, Cass! Hey, Catamite!”

With a sinking heart, I realized it was too late to hide. Jerx had already seen me.

Trying to act nonchalant, I half-turned to face him.

“Hey, how much of that did you see?” he demanded, jerking his chin at the angry Salashion sex worker who was standing by the spiker and still shouting at him.

“How much of what?” I asked blandly. “I’m just headed back to the ship.”

“Thought you were the Captain’s date today?” He raised his eyebrows at me. “Didn’t he take you to his top secret bargaining party?”

“We split up. I mean…he’s around here somewhere,” I added, realizing belatedly that it was a bad idea to let Jerx know I was out here all alone.

“Oh yeah?” He made a show of looking around at the empty road behind me, still ignoring the angry sex worker. “I don’t see him anywhere.”

“He’s around,” I said again, wishing I had thought to lie earlier. “Anyway, I’m headed back to the ship.”

“No, you’re not.” Jerx caught me by the arm—my hurt arm—and spun me around to face him fully.

“Ouch!” I snapped, trying to pull away from him, but he wouldn’t let go.

“Hey, there’s somethin’ different about you, Catamite,” he remarked, studying my face. “What did you do? Why is your hair longer?”

I reached up to feel my hair uncertainly. Of course it had been growing all this time and it grows quite fast. Now that the Synth projection of me as a man was gone, its true length was revealed and it was almost down to my shoulders again.

“I didn’t do anything to it,” I mumbled.

“It looks good—it’s pretty,” Jerx told me. “You’re pretty—a hell of a lot prettier than that whore I just fucked!” He nodded at the sex worker who was still giving him looks that could kill. “Bet your asshole is tighter than either one of her pussies,” he added.

“Leave me alone!” I jerked my arm around from him at last. “Captain Turk won’t like it if he catches you bothering me again.”

“Well, who says he’s gonna catch me?” Suddenly Jerx grabbed me by both shoulders and dragged me close to him. “Damn, been wanting to do this ever since that night in the shower,” he informed me. His breath, blowing in my face, smelled like sour ale and unbrushed teeth. “Now I’m gonna stretch out your tight little ass on my cock.”

“Stop it! Leave me alone!” I gasped, twisting in his grasp. “Do you want to get whipped again?”

“Nah, I’m not gonna get whipped.” Shoving his face into mine, Jerx leered at me. “Because as soon as I’m done with you, you’re dead meat. I’ll slit your fucking little Catamite throat and throw you in the trash. Captain won’t ever know what happened to his pretty boy.”

“No! Help!” I struggled to get away but his grip on me was too tight. Desperately, I tried to remember some of the moves Turk had shown me.

Think! I told myself desperately. What did he say to do? What did he teach you?

Reaching up, I gripped both of Jerx’s brawny forearms in my hands, I braced my feet and rocked backwards, pulling him off his center of gravity. He lurched forward, toward me, and I allowed myself to fall onto my back, still pulling him with me.

“Ooof!” he gasped as I kicked him in the stomach as he came down. “You’re…gonna fucking…pay for that…you little bastard!” he panted.

But I was already twisting away from him. I had a brief, hot moment of excitement—I had done it—I had gotten free! I started running…only to feel a strong hand wrap itself around my ankle and pull me down.

