Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

“Hey!” I gasped and tried to jump away. But to my discomfort, Turk shook his head.

“Just let him smell you. He’ll satisfy himself in a minute.”

But the Salashion with the long nose was taking more than a minute. He sniffed and snuffed all up and down my body while my heart beat hard enough to make me dizzy. To my horror he spent quite a long time sniffing at my upper arm where the Synth Implant was lodged. I was sure he was going to say something about it, but he finally moved on. At last, much to my discomfort, he shoved his nose directly in my crotch and inhaled deeply.

“Here!” he exclaimed, raising his head at last. “I smell a cunny!”

“Impossible!” Turk growled, glaring at him. “I told you, Cass is a Catamite. But he has a shaft, the same as you and me!”

“You wouldn’t be bringing a female to our negotiations, now would you, Captain Turk?” the elder Salashion inquired, frowning at us. “Pingly here is almost never wrong—he has a most talented nose.”

“No, Master Gobosh, I wouldn’t disrespect you or our relationship in that way,” Turk protested.

“If he’s a male, have him show his shaft!” the one with the long nose who was apparently named “Pingly” demanded.

“What?” I exclaimed, taking a step back.

Turk sighed.

“Do it, Cass.”

“What?” I asked again, turning to him. “Surely you don’t want me to⁠—”

He frowned.

“We need to get on with business. Just show them your shaft to satisfy them.”

“But…but what if I don’t want to?” I asked, feeling sick.

Turk frowned at me.

“Why is this a problem? Don’t you pull it out when you use a public urinal? We’re all males here.”

I could tell there was no getting out of this sticky situation without showing them the fake shaft the Synth implant was projecting for me. Blood rushed to my cheeks as I unfastened my uniform trousers and pushed them down just enough to show it, curled against my thigh like a little brown shrimp.

“Well—it’s not very big but it’s definitely there,” Master Gobosh remarked, causing laughter from the two other Salashions still sitting at the table.

But Pingly wasn’t laughing. He was staring at my fake shaft with a frown on his face and his nose was still twitching.

“No,” he said. “This is wrong! It might look like a shaft but it smells like a cunny! He’s a woman, I tell you—an ill-luck, female. I can smell it!”

“Enough of this!” Turk growled, glaring at him. “The boy showed you his shaft—what more do you want from him? Let’s sit down and get these negotiations started. Cass, do up your trousers,” he added, looking at me.

But I didn’t get a chance because at that moment Pingly reached one of his four hands between my legs.

“Hey!” I shouted, trying to jump back. But my uniform trousers—which were a little too big—slipped further down my thighs. My legs got tangled and I fell backwards.

“Nothing! There’s nothing there!” Pingly shouted. “A female—it’s an ill-luck female and she’s got a Synth!”

And before I could scramble up off the floor and pull up my pants, he was kneeling beside me with a long, curving silver blade in one hand.

“No!” I gasped and tried to wiggle away, but it was too late. The huge Salashion had me by the arm. One of his four hands was gripping my shoulder and the other had me by the elbow. The third, which was holding the knife, sliced right through my uniform shirt and then into my flesh.

“Fuck you! Get off of him!” I heard Turk shouting but Pingly’s fourth arm had drawn a blaster and was holding it on him, so he could only watch as my arm was sliced open. A moment later the Salashion was pulling out the small silver Synth implant—now streaked in my blood.

“Ow!” I gasped. That had really hurt! My arm was throbbing.

Pingly held the bloody implant high to show to the others at the table.

“There! I told you! My nose never lies!” he exclaimed. “And look—the shaft is gone!”

My heart was pounding miserably as they all looked between my legs. The little shrimp of a shaft was indeed gone and there was nothing there but my pussy—completely on display.

Turk, who had been shouting angrily a moment before, stared in silent surprise. Then he looked at my face and back between my legs again. At last he said in a low, hoarse voice,


The huge Salashion had loosened his grip on me now and I twisted away from him. Arm still bleeding, I reached down and grabbed for my uniform trousers. Dragging them up, I fastened them as quickly as I could.

“She is a female! And ill-luck female!” Master Gobosh exclaimed, rather belatedly. “How dare you bring a female amongst us?” he demanded of Turk. “This House of Business has stood for centuries and not once has a female come through its doors. Now may your life be foreshortened by this blasphemy! You have defiled our dealings here for now and ever afterwards!”

