R for Rough – Camassia Cove Universe Read Online Cara Dee

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 45251 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

“That’s enough outta you,” I growled.

My chest heaved, and I spun him around so my chest pressed against his back. That way, I could dig out the handcuffs.

“Tell me where the fucking key is,” I ordered.

Shit, he’d gotten more than a few good punches in, and the pain was only increasing. I needed a solid dose of adrenaline to mask it.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he yelled. “Let me go!”


He’d had his fun. Pressing the side of his face against the bark with enough force to make him go from offense to defense, I retrieved the cuffs and got one of them open. He clawed at the back of my hand and tried to kick backward, but I wasn’t utterly new.

The first cuff snicked into place, and he choked on a breath.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted breathlessly. He poured all his energy into getting free—without success. I was ready for the interrogation to begin.

A beat later, I had him handcuffed behind his back.

“Coward!” he spat out. “You afraid of a fair fight? Huh? Fight me!”

No. There were other ways to defeat him. It was our first takedown together, and I didn’t wanna take things too far.

“I said faster!” I snapped.

“Then stop pushing me!” he yelled back.

“I’m only pushing you because you’re slow as shit.” I grabbed his arm and dragged him across another stream, and he tripped and fell down on one knee in the water. “Are you clumsy too? Just my fucking luck.”

“Go to hell!”

I snorted softly.

We were maybe halfway back to the interrogation site, and I was damn conflicted. Part of me wanted to push him to the breaking point, to see where he drew the line and started sobbing, while the other part of me was ready to dive back into Daddy mode.

He had cuts and scrapes on every visible inch of skin, and it was fucking with my head. I wasn’t gonna do anything—not yet—’cause it would ruin the experience for him. But fuck if I didn’t wanna get cracking on the aftercare part.

His breathing had barely calmed down, and I could tell he was holding back his emotions. He was furious with me, but he was also running on fumes.

“My arms hurt,” he said hoarsely.

“Thank you for the information.” I kept him in front of me as we headed into another area where the trees grew farther apart.

“Fucker,” he whispered.

“Even your insults are weak.”

He didn’t reply.

Probably for the best.

After a few more minutes of walking through the woods, I heard we weren’t alone. Someone was crying nearby.

Tracy heard it too. “Kit! Is that you?”

“Move it!” Well, that was Colt, so maybe the crier was, in fact, Kit.

Before long, they came into view, and Colt nodded at me.

“Everything good?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. Caught this little fuckhole quick enough.”

“You suck!” Kit croaked.

“Nope, that’s gonna be you—if you’re lucky,” Colt replied.

We walked closer and closer together until we joined forces, both with the same direction in mind. Kit was cuffed behind his back too, and Colt must’ve gotten his revenge from the backhand he’d received from Kit earlier. The boy had blood smeared over his cheek, and he was limping.

To be fair, so was Colt.

“Have you seen the others?” he asked.

“Not since we got separated,” I answered.

He sighed. “Yeah, mine took off half a minute after your boy did.”

Well, we had faith in Ryan and Jameson for their brats.

I rubbed my nose gently and winced. I didn’t believe it was fractured, but he must’ve come damn close. This was gonna hurt for a while.

Colt nudged his boy forward. “You gonna talk or what? Where’s the key?”

“Maybe in your ass,” Kit muttered, sniffling.

Colt grinned to himself.

We didn’t tell the boys we might’ve gotten a little lost on the way. Eventually, we made it to the interrogation site, where Ryan, Jameson, and Madigan had tied their prey to the trees.

“Don’t say anything about the key,” Justin urged.

“What key?” Tracy replied coolly.

I chuckled under my breath and accepted a bundle of rope from Ryan.

It was a good location. Small clearing, firepit blazing at the center, logs circling it, and trees that were fairly bare down here. I fisted Tracy’s hoodie and pushed him toward the tree next to where Abel was restrained, and Colt took the next one for Kit.

Aside from having a good location, Ryan was clearly not new at this. He had a pot of coffee on the fire and snacks set up. All part of the torture. And the comfort for us, of course.

“These are damn good, baby girl.” Ryan spoke around a mouthful of a cinnamon roll.

“I regret making them,” she scoffed.

Ryan shrugged. “I don’t care.”

Madigan opened a small jar of Nutella, and Abel glared before he looked away.

Tracy clenched his jaw and watched my face as I tied him to the tree.

The streaks of blood from the deeper scratches, his matted hair, and the wildness in his eyes made for one sexy-as-sin little masochist. I almost kissed him right then and there.

