R for Rough – Camassia Cove Universe Read Online Cara Dee

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 45251 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

“You ready to go, little one?”

“Almost!” I ran into our bedroom to grab my stuffie. The new one Daddy had given me last week.

I had a small collection by the fireplace in the bedroom, proudly displayed in its own bookcase, but whenever Daddy got me a stuffie, that one became my new favorite.

“I’ll go load up the truck,” he told me.

“Yes, Sir.”

While he brought our luggage outside, I trapped my stuffie under my arm and decided to do one more sweep around the cabin. Lights off in the kitchen, no crumbs anywhere… I bit my lip and looked out the window, seeing Daddy by the truck. Okay, cool. It was safe to look. So I darted over to the mantel and opened the little macaroni box my nephew had given Daddy for his birthday, and I grinned so wide. The rings were no longer there! Holy crap. They really weren’t.

Did that mean he’d packed them? Was he going to propose on our vacation?

It’d been an honest mistake on my part, the day I’d discovered the rings. Two gold bands. I’d accidentally knocked over the little box, and the rings had fallen out. And that was about two months ago, so one could venture a guess about the number of times I’d returned to see if they were still there.


Griffin Lawson

“You’re in a good mood,” I noted. Not that he wasn’t usually, but there was something extra today. “I take it you’ve been busy scheming with Camden.”

He laughed softly and opened the glovebox for his candy. It was the deal. One bag of gummy worms and one chocolate bar whenever we were off to the airport in Seattle.

“We would never scheme,” he lied. “Maybe it’s just a good day and I love you a mad amount?”

I grinned and squeezed his hand. “I love you too, but that was horseshit.”

He snickered and threw a gummy worm into his mouth.

It was going to be a great couple of weeks.

We’d been so busy this year that we hadn’t had much time to catch up with our kinky friends out of state. Two visits to attend events at Colt’s community had introduced us to a triad out of Nashville, and we had a lot in common. August King was a well-known chef, even outside of culinary magazines, and he shared his life with his husband, Anthony, and their Little, Camden.

Camden also loved to cook, and he ran a successful YouTube channel where he mixed cooking with humor—and occasional appearances by August. And last time we’d met up in DC, the ideas had started flying. Camden and Tracy wanted to produce an episode or two together, and “Our Daddies gotta be there too!”

I reckoned that vacation had sealed the deal for me. I’d witnessed Tracy’s happiness, his social interactions, how inspired he was, how animated…and I’d decided right then and there that I’d find the balls to ask him to marry me at some point.

That was last year, so it was time.

Something about marriage had just spooked me throughout my life. I didn’t know why. Maybe the stakes were higher. The fall would be even more devastating if Tracy changed his mind. But…I’d let that go. The boy was, for reasons semi-unknown to me, bizarrely hooked on me, and he showed it every day.

I wasn’t waiting for the other shoe to drop anymore.

It was him and me. The love of my fucking life.

Hell, we’d done everything else fairly fast. The I-love-yous had been moaned and panted after a few weeks, we’d moved in together four months later, we’d bought a boat together our first summer, and we’d opened a joint savings account within the first year.

So, I’d find a day when we were in Nashville. I’d probably get uncomfortable and nervous, those last lingering fears wondering what the fuck he was doing with me, and I’d rub the back of my neck, grunt something, huff to myself, then order him to be my husband.

I side-eyed him as he hummed to the music and ate his gummy worms.

To this day, I didn’t know how I’d gotten so lucky.

Rough might be our favorite brand of play and how we chose to love, but Jesus Christ, life with my boy was incredibly fucking sweet.

