Phoenix – Gems of Wolfe Island Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 68006 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 340(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

“It might give you some closure if we found out,” I say.


“Yeah. Surely you’ve talked to Macy about closure.”

“She’s used that word before, but I’ve never really understood it. Closure from what? Closure from every bad experience of my life? Then I have nothing.”

I tip her chin. “Please tell me that’s not true.”

She gives a small smile. “You’re right. My time with you, Leif, but that’s such a small fraction of the years I’ve lived.”

“I promise you, baby, that our years together are going to eclipse all the horror in your life.”

“If only…”

“Hey, love is a pretty powerful thing. It can help you heal. It can help you live.”

“I’ve already been living. Except… That’s not really true, is it? I’ve simply been existing.”

“Exactly. Kelly, if you don’t want to know who is responsible for your abduction, we can let it lie. I have a feeling… I have a feeling that once we find out who’s been sending you these messages, things will begin to fall into place.”

“I told you. I’m sure it’s that man from the island. Mr. Smith.”

“And it may well be. The Wolfes have the best people on it, and I will not stop until we’ve eliminated every threat to you. I promise you that.”

A grin splits her pretty face.

“Let’s get you to bed.”



“I… I don’t want to stay here. In this place. He knows where I am.”

She raises a good point. “You want to stay in my apartment?”

“Well…yes.” She smiles shyly. “But no. It’s right next door. It’s not a big leap for him to find me there.”

“You’re right, but Reid has quadrupled the security here. He won’t get in again.”

“This all just happened last night. He can’t have quadrupled security by now.”

I pause a moment, stroke my jaw. “All the Wolfes have to do is throw around cash and they get things done. But I understand your reluctance. I could book us into a hotel, but hotels have almost no security. I’m not sure what to do.”

“What about a different…” She shakes her head. “I don’t know either.”

“I’ll tell you what. For now, let’s get you settled at my place. I won’t leave your side.”

“Okay.” She nods. “That’s at least better than staying here.”

“I should hope so.” I kiss her forehead.

“Being with you will be wonderful, Leif. But you know what I meant.”

“Yeah, I know. Sure I can’t talk you out of skipping work tonight?”

“I can’t believe you’re even asking me to.” She rakes her gaze over my body. “You’re a military man. A man of honor, who always keeps his commitments.”

“I absolutely do, and I respect the fact that you want to keep yours. But you haven’t had any sleep, Kelly. Your safety is at issue here.”

“Who’s going to take me out of a busy restaurant?” She stops quickly as her eyes widen and the rosy color drains from her cheeks. “I was at the restaurant. Getting sick from the chocolate I ate. I tried to stand after throwing up, and then… A minute later I woke up naked in a concrete room.”

“Oh, baby… So you see what I mean then.”

“I do. But Leif, for the first time, I have a job that I’m good at and that’s paying me something other than crap wages and shitty tips. I don’t want to give it up.”

“All right. But I’m going to be at the restaurant during your entire shift.”



True to his word, Leif has sat at a central table at The Glass House during my entire shift. When he arrived with me at work, he took Lois aside, and after that, he had a small central table to himself all night. He was in another server’s section, which was just as well. I wouldn’t have been able to concentrate if I had to serve him all night. I don’t know what he offered to pay for use of the table for the entire shift, but with the Wolfes’ money, I’m sure it was a nice sum.

He spent most of his time reading on his iPad. Or perhaps he was working. I don’t know.

I didn’t ask.

But I was happy that he was here.

The shift is finally over, and I’m dead on my feet.

Leif is still sitting at his table, his eyes on his iPad. He must be exhausted as well. He didn’t get any more sleep than I did.

Most of the cleanup is done by the bussers, but I’m expected to at least brush all the crumbs off my tables so they won’t clog the washer when they’re laundered.

I head to the break room and from there to the employees’ restroom.

One look at the mirror tells the tale.

My eyes are heavy-lidded and bloodshot.

I fear I won’t be able to get any more sleep tonight, because I’ll be worrying constantly that The Dark One will appear.

I head into a stall, take a quick piss, and emerge and wash my hands. I grip the edge of the sink for moment, closing my eyes.

