Perfect Rage (Unyielding #3) Read Online Nashoda Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Unyielding Series by Nashoda Rose

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 102408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 512(@200wpm)___ 410(@250wpm)___ 341(@300wpm)

“All the time?”

He shrugged. “When I’m here. Yes.”

“Can you see me in the house?”

“Yes. When the drapes aren’t drawn.”

“From where?” I tipped forward to look into my bedroom at the windows.

He gently shoved me back. “From another house.”

I scrunched my nose. “You know they have a name for that. It’s called stalking. And it’s creepy.”

There was a twitch upward at the corners of his mouth. “Do you think I’m creepy, Alina?”

I stuck the toothbrush in my mouth and brushed again as I thought about it. He watched me from another house. Was that creepy? It would be really creepy if it weren’t Connor and knowing why he was doing it. He was also honest about doing it, although it was after the fact.

I pulled the brush from my mouth again. “No. I don’t think you’re creepy. But I’d prefer if you’d watch me from inside my house.”

“It’s safer this way. You done?” he asked.

I nodded and he put his hands on my hips and helped me down. He turned on the taps and I rinsed my mouth then the toothbrush before dropping it back in the jar.

He led me into my bedroom and undressed me. I tried to argue that I was capable, which I was, but Connor ignored me as he unzipped the back of my dress and then peeled it down my body until it pooled at my feet on the floor.

I stepped out as he turned me so he could undo the clasp on my bra. I shivered when his fingers brushed my bare skin and I was pretty sure he noticed because there was a subtle groan.

He gently slid it off my arms and then tossed it on the chair where he picked up my camisole. “Arms.”

I held up my arms and the silky material fell into place.

I thought he’d kiss me then, but he didn’t. He drew back the covers and I slid into the bed, but he made no move to join me.

“You’re leaving.” It was a statement.

“Yeah. Not a good night for me, shutterbug.”

I was uncertain what exactly that meant, whether it was because of what happened at the bar or outside in the street or if his head was bothering him a lot. I pushed up in bed. “Maybe, if you stay with me for a bit, it will get better?” He walked to the door, so I added, “Please. Until I fall asleep.”

His hand was on the door frame.

I saw the second he gave as his shoulders sagged. He turned and headed back to the bed then said, “Not long and the boots stay on.”

I smiled. “I don’t care about the boots on the bed, Connor.” And I knew why he wanted them on. So he could leave fast. I was pretty sure he was thinking about what I said about Chess knowing and if she decided to tell Kai tonight, we could have company at any moment.

He sat on the bed, leaned against the headboard then lifted his legs and crossed his ankles. His black motorcycle boots clashed with the pale yellow flowered sheets and the crocheted blanket at the end of the bed. He also looked completely uncomfortable.

I shimmied over to him and snuggled into his side with my cheek resting on his chest, my palm over his heart. “I like it when you ogle me.”

He grunted.



“Can you tell me if you’re going to leave for a while again?”

His hand settled on my head and he softly stroked my hair. I was almost asleep when he said, “Yeah, baby.”

“Promise me.”

“Yeah, I promise you.”

It was a few hours later when I woke in the darkness.

Connor was still sitting up in bed with his arm around me, our hands linked while resting on his chest.

His head was back leaning on the headboard and his eyes were closed, breathing deeply. He was asleep.

Question 8: One superpower you’d want to have.

I BOLTED UPRIGHT at the sound of glass shattering. It took me a second before I wrapped my foggy mind around what the hell was happening.

Another crash.

I threw the covers back and leapt out of bed wincing as my pounding head rejected the idea of moving too fast.

Margaritas and shots definitely did not sit well the next day.

A quick as my head would allow, I snapped on my bra and pale blue V-neck that lay over the lounge chair then dashed over to my dresser and yanked out my jeans. I pulled them on while I hopped on one foot toward the door.

Zipping up my jeans, I ran down the hall. When I reached the top of the stairs, the front door opened and Deaglan appeared. His eyes immediately landed on me. He shook his head and gestured with his hand to get back.

I didn’t. Because if it wasn’t a stranger making a racket in my kitchen, I knew who it was—Connor. He’d stayed with me last night.

