Outtakes Vol 2 – The Commission World (Filthy Marcellos #2) Read Online Bethany Kris

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Filthy Marcellos Series by Bethany Kris

Total pages in book: 197
Estimated words: 199143 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 996(@200wpm)___ 797(@250wpm)___ 664(@300wpm)

At first, it had taken Camilla a bit to get used to so many people constantly coming and going from her house, and life. Going from one family member’s thing to the next—her family wasn’t nearly as large as this, after all. But it was hard not to love people when it was people like these.

“You’re awfully quiet tonight,” Abriella said next to Camilla.

She gave her mother-in-law a smile. “Am I?”

“A little. Something on your mind?”

Camilla wanted to laugh.

Was something on her mind?

Other than the fact she lost her entire lunch before supper, and then ended up blurting out the fact she was pregnant to her father in law before she could even tell her husband?


Nothing was wrong at all.

“Not really,” Camilla said.

It was the truth ... kind of. She didn’t care that she had told Tommaso’s father first, really. She was more anxious about the fact she didn’t know how to tell him. He’d been great about the whole baby thing. He’d patiently waited for Cam to live her life, and do her thing. He never pressured, or demanded anything.

They lived, and loved.


Bought crazy, expensive shit that didn’t need to be within miles of a walking, curious toddler. They owned a top floor, glass-walled penthouse suite in the middle of the city alongside their suburban mansion.

They didn’t even have back seats in three out of their five vehicles.

They did all the things that people who were childless had the ability to do because that’s what Camilla had wanted for so long, and Tom was more than happy to go along with whatever made her life perfect.

But didn’t he know?

She was most happiest with him.

Always would be.

“You are a little out of it tonight, aren’t you?” Abriella asked.

Camilla’s gaze swung back to find her mother-in-law was smiling in that way of hers. A sly way. Abriella was cute like that. Whenever she had a secret, that’s exactly how she smiled.


Abriella raised an eyebrow. “I just talked to you for two minutes, but you entirely zoned out and stared at Tom instead.”

Camilla laughed, and waved that off. “Tired, maybe.”

“I don’t think so, but that’s okay. Big changes in our life means we all need some time to adjust, Cam. Trust me, I understand that better than anyone.”

She gave her mother-in-law a look, and wondered ... did she know? Had Tommas told his wife what he knew about the pregnancy?

If that was the case, Abriella didn’t say a thing. She simply stood from the table, gave Camilla a wink, and patted her daughter in law’s cheek with a soft palm before joining her own sister further down the table.

Camilla decided to just shake off the odd conversation, and put her focus back on Tom and how she was going to tell him the thing he wanted to hear more than anything else in the world. Had she said he’d been waiting for this?

Because he was.

“What are you doing over here smiling to yourself, hmm?”

It was Tommaso’s dark whisper in Camilla’s ear that made her realize her mother-in-law wasn’t lying. She was a little out of it—completely zoning in and out for no reason at all. It was noticeable.

Hell, she hadn’t even noticed her husband coming across the whole room to stand directly behind her.

Turning in her seat Camilla found Tommaso grinning down at her. There was something about this man that made Camilla’s heart speed up in the best way when all he was doing was staring at her.


She loved him for that.

“Thinking about you, actually,” she said.

Tommas cocked a brow. “Oh? Good things, I hope.”

“When is it ever bad things, Tom?”

“That time I ate your candy stash.”

She gave him a look. “That was a shitty thing to do.”

“And I apologized!”

He did, too. In the best way.

His hands came down to cup either side of her face before he dropped a quick kiss to her forehead.

“Love you,” he said quietly.

Camilla smiled softly. “Too much, I think.”


Staring up at him again, Camilla found that time stopped. And the rest of the room disappeared. It was just him and her, and nothing else mattered.

Maybe that was her problem.

She’d been overthinking, and worrying about things that just didn’t matter.


“Yeah, babe?”

Camilla gave him a half smile, whispering, “I have a secret.”

His blue gaze lit up with mirth. “Oh? A good one?”

“A very good one.”

“Care to share, or ...?”

Silently, Camilla popped open the clutch that had been resting in her lap for the better portion of the night. She knew what was resting on the very top. She’d opened the bag over and over again just to make sure what was there was still real.

The pregnancy test was very much real.

And still blinking the word pregnant.

Tom glanced down, and Camilla could literally feel when his gaze landed on the item she was showing him. How his stance softened, and his hands tightened on her face. The slight jerk that worked its way through his body, and the soft noise that escaped his throat.

