Outtakes Vol 2 – The Commission World (Filthy Marcellos #2) Read Online Bethany Kris

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Filthy Marcellos Series by Bethany Kris

Total pages in book: 197
Estimated words: 199143 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 996(@200wpm)___ 797(@250wpm)___ 664(@300wpm)

But really, this was what made their marriage fun.

She would be so much more fun later.

Especially once he got her to bed.

She knew his games.

And his tricks.

“Ignore him,” Abriella told their daughter-in-law. “You should try some of that red wine I brought back from Italy, Cam. It’s wonderful.”

Camilla shook her head. “Maybe next time. Keep a bottle for me.”

Abriella shrugged. “Your loss.”

Knowing he wasn’t going to get much more out of his wife, Tommas sighed heavily.

“Fine,” Tommas half-heartedly grumbled. “I’ll go ... entertain.”

“What else is the boss supposed to do when he invites people to his home for dinner, Tommy?”

Tommas grinned, and shot his wife a wink over his shoulder. “Get his wife worked up so she’s extra sweet for later.”

Next to his wife, Camilla cleared her throat.

Abriella’s eyes flew wide, and a red heat climbed up her cheeks. “Oh, my God. Get out!”

Tommas’s laughter echoed down the hall as he headed for the dining room. He found the majority of the guests already seated, and waiting for dinner to be served. Taking a moment to lean over his only son’s shoulder, Tommas squeezed Tom.

“I think I embarrassed your wife,” he said, “sorry about that.”

Tom groaned. “How?”

“She was in the crossfire.”

“Jesus Christ. Can’t you at least wait until the house is empty to start your foreplay with Ma?”

“But why?” Tommas asked.

“Because nobody else wants to see it.”

Tommas shrugged.

He didn’t ask if other people wanted to see it.

That wasn’t the point.

Giving his son a pat on the back, Tommas realized someone was missing from the table. Damian, his underboss and cousin. Best friend, too. Even after all these years, Damian was still the one person—next to his wife, and now son, of course—that Tommas trusted the very most. He doubted that would ever change.

In this life, loyalty like that was hard to find.

And keep.

“Where’s Damian?” Tommas asked.

“He got a phone call—took it in the living room.”

Tommas nodded, but he still felt like he should probably check up on his underboss. If only because it was unusual for Damian to take a phone call during dinner if he was already there with Tommas. After all, Damian didn’t answer to anyone but his boss.

And that was Tommas.

Giving his son one more squeeze on his shoulders, Tommas headed out of the kitchen in search of Damian. He figured if something was going on, he would rather hear about it before dinner rather than ruin his meal with the damn news.

Tommas was halfway down the hallway when Camilla came bursting out of the kitchen. With her hand slapped over her mouth, and her face paler than he’d ever seen it, his daughter-in-law damn near knocked him over in her haste to run into the bathroom across the hall. She tried to slam the door behind her, but it didn’t close completely.


Tommas leaned in the kitchen only to find his wife was distracted with the punch she was making. Maybe she had her back turned to Camilla when the girl ran out of the kitchen.

Who knew?

All he knew was that the sound of Cam’s retching in the bathroom was a little concerning. Subtly, he reached over and closed the bathroom door for her the rest of the way to give her a little bit of privacy.

As he waited for her to come back out of the bathroom, Tommas had a heavy realization settle over him. Something he’d overlooked in the kitchen because he had been too busy pestering his wife in that way of his.

Cam refused wine.

Red wine.

She loved wine.

Especially for dinner.

And now vomiting, too?

Did that mean what he thought it—

“Sorry,” Camilla said when she came out of the bathroom. Her gaze wouldn’t meet his, and her cheeks were stained with red. “I didn’t mean to almost run you over, Tommas.”

He chuckled, and shook his head. “No worries.”

Camilla brushed her hands over her cheeks. “I probably look like shit, now.”

“You look fine.”

And she did.

Nothing to say she had just spent two minutes puking her guts out.

“Does anyone know?” he dared to ask.

Camilla’s gaze shot up to meet his, and he swore he saw the denial already forming on her mouth. Then, she surprised him with a little shake of her head.

“No one at all?”

“Just found out this afternoon,” she admitted.

“Not even Tom?”

Because shit, Tommas kind of figured that was important news for her to share with her husband. Tommas had always been the first to know—next to a doctor once—that his wife was pregnant with their child.

“We came right over here after he picked me up,” Cam said, laughing. “I didn’t think it was a very good time to tell him, you know.”


Camilla glanced over at him again. “How did your wife tell you?”

Tommas smiled a bit. “I don’t think that’s appropriate for me to share.”

“Huh?” Then, she nodded as she said, “Oh, never mind.”

“You know it doesn’t matter how you tell him, right?”

