One Cold Night (Prince Brothers #1) Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Prince Brothers Series by Aliyah Burke

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 56782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 227(@250wpm)___ 189(@300wpm)

There were images of so much. Drug filled parties. Sex orgies. Rich people behavior. But still, nothing that would jeopardize any of the operations. He could remember the house he’d been in. Large, sprawling actually with all of its opulence. Available women for him at any hour of the day. All he had to do was pick what he wanted her to look like and she would be delivered to his room. Something he rarely took them up on, those times, he drugged the woman so he never had to touch her. Some may have been there willingly, but definitely not all were, and forcing a woman wasn’t his style.

His direct boss, Marlo, had consistently tried to get him to do more, he refused. Drugs messed up thinking so he didn’t touch those, and women, he always said he preferred women who weren’t served up on a platter. He enjoyed the chase.

The thought of Leena in a place like that made his blood run cold.

“Maybe if I work from what places I am sure of and go out from there, I can work something out in my head.” Even as he spoke, he reached for the phone to call his brother. It was almost time. They’d set up this time and the line would be secure. John had been unable to sleep for fear of missing the time.

He dialed the number and waited.


Relief slammed into him. “Davis. How’s Mom?”

“I had her go stay with some family. Told her it was something to do with a case I was working on and I wanted her away from all the news on it. I sent her to Uncle Nathan’s house.”

John relaxed a fraction. “Safest place for her. No way they get to her there.”

“Never knew having her crazy prepper brother would come in handy. Thank God he’s not completely antigovernment. He didn’t want to talk to me, but when I told him his sister was in danger and that’s why I was calling, he listened. Helped when I told him I didn’t trust the cops in this matter.”

“I’m sure it did. What about you?”

“What about me? I’m a detective, it won’t do for me to up and run off somewhere. I don’t have a wife and kids so I can’t pretend we’re going to the in-laws. I’m staying alert and digging into what I can, but this family, Christ, John.”

“I know. I know.”

“Why exactly did you agree to work with the ATF on this?”

“I thought I would be able to do some good, Davis. You know how that is.”

“You already do good with SRT.”

“I know. This was different.”

“I get it. I mean, I don’t agree with you doing it, but I do understand. I have a hacker friend who’s doing some digging that I can’t do.”

“You? A hacker friend? Has to be a set of breasts involved there. No way, you let a male hacker walk free.” Davis cleared his throat and John laughed. “Thought so.”

“Are you ready to listen or no?”

“Sorry, didn’t realize I was touching a sensitive subject. Why don’t you just ask her out?”

“She’s a hacker.”

“So what? You’re a man, she’s a woman. I’m sure there’s something you could find to do with her that had nothing to do with her skills as a hacker and you being a detective.”

“Am I on a secure line with my brother who is in hiding from the ass who ratted him out to discuss my love life? Or help him get home?”

“Point taken, Davis. And given how prickly you are about it, I’ll let it go. Obviously you’ve thought about this more than once. Sorry she turned you down.”

“She didn’t turn me down, I turned her down.”

John frowned at the level of frustration in his brother’s voice. “Wait, what?”

“I’m a cop, John. Christ, please let this go. If she is with me, it will because she wants to be not because I can turn her in for hacking.”

“So you turned her down? You are such a dumbass. Her offer was because she wanted to be with you. Don’t forget as a hacker, she can do hella shit to your life and ruin it if she wants. She wanted you and you said no. Go to her, push her up against the wall and give her one chance to say no. If she doesn’t… Well, if you need me from that point on, all that porn you watched in college has gone to waste.”

“Again, focusing on your problem.”

“Mine? I got some tonight. Did you? And I’m the one who’s got people after them, I’m still getting sex. Mind blowing, toe curling, hot sweaty sex.”

“More information than I needed or ever wanted to know, John. Although I will say Ms. Leena is a looker.”

“And we’re done with this conversation. Back to the one who sold me out.”

