One Cold Night (Prince Brothers #1) Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Prince Brothers Series by Aliyah Burke

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 56782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 227(@250wpm)___ 189(@300wpm)

“And if they come back?”

“Then they will have a cold night ahead of them. If they cut the power, we use the reserve from my solar power. I’m telling you, John, we’ll be fine.”

He grunted, his uncertainty as plain as the scruff on his face. “Do you have any guns?”

“I do.” She snuggled closer to him. “Why?”

“I’d feel better if I was armed.”

“Not a fan of having them around in the house loaded, but okay. I will get them for you.”

“Why do you have guns if you don’t like them?”

“Desensitizing dogs.”

“Don’t most places use starter guns?”

“Yes, but you know as well as anyone that not all guns sound the same. What’s that same dog going to do when he hears a shotgun for the first time? They need to have a variety of sounds to know it’s not going to be a reason for fear and locking up.”

“Never looked at it that way.”

“Not many do.” She lifted her head and watched her dogs lie down nearby. “I start with firecrackers when they’re young and go up from there.”

“Don’t have a .50 cal lying around do you?”

“No, sorry,” she laughed. “Not today.” Head back on his chest, she closed her eyes. “I could scrounge one up for you if you give me some time.”

“I’m starting to think you’d be able to do just that, Leena. How, I’m not sure how, but I wouldn’t put it past you.”

“Sounded suspiciously like a compliment.”

“Can’t have that.” He buried his nose in her hair and for a while they lay there, the winds outside growing stronger with each passing minute. Not many loved winter, but she did. Loved how silent things became, how pure.

Lying inside a warm embrace like this didn’t hurt, either.

She must have fallen asleep when her eyes opened she was alone, covered by the crocheted blanket that usually hung over the back of her couch. Outside was pitch dark but the house warmly lit. She yawned and stretched. Argo lay near her and watched her as she sat. The fire burned powerfully and the air was full of…beef stew?

She got to her feet and yawned again. Walking to the kitchen, she found John in there, chopping up some fruit and putting it in a bowl.

“Evening, sleepyhead,” he said looking at her with a smile.

Her gut clenched, pussy growing wet at the glance. Damn it. He’d not shaved and his five o’clock shadow was even more prevalent. She wanted to feel it on the inner skin of her thighs as he ate her.

“You don’t have to cook for me.”

“Says the woman who didn’t have to save my life. I hardly think some stew is going to make us even.” He popped the strawberry in his mouth and she almost whimpered. John crooked his finger at her and like a puppet on a string, she went to him, unable to stop her body’s instant obedience to his command. “Open.”

He slid a strawberry piece between her lips when she listened. She curled her tongue along one of his fingers before he could take them back. His gaze burned into hers, his gray eyes becoming molten steel.

“Leena,” he rumbled.

Strawberry gone, she stepped closer, keeping his fingers in her mouth as she sucked on them. Releasing them with a pop, she smiled. “John.”

“Stop distracting me woman.” Even as he spoke, he pulled her flush to his hard body. A place she loved being. “Shit, who am I kidding? You breathing is a distraction to me.”

“Fine, I’ll be good. For now. What can I do to help?” She leaned back and brushed some hair away from his face. “Bread? Set the table?” She covered his cock with her hand and squeezed. “Blow job?”

“Christ, you’re killing me here.”

She released him and stepped back. “Fine. I’ll remove myself. I’m going to go check on the boarders. Back in a few. And before you start complaining, I’m taking Argo with me. I always take one with me. They would be able to get me back to the house if I get turned around. I’ll be fine.”

Before he could argue with her about her decision, she had left the kitchen and was bundling up to head out in the blizzard, Argo, her silent companion. Hood up protecting her face, she stepped outside into the cold. The force of it took her breath away.

Shit, this is freezing. She dropped her hand and found Argo beside her. “Come on, boy,” she said even though she was certain the wind tore her words away from him. The struggle through the snow to the kennel, took her energy and she was glad not to be out on a night like this. Yanking the door open, she breathed in relief the moment she closed it on the cold behind her.

“At least it’s warm in here. Thank God we’ve not lost power.” The four dogs in there barked as she walked up the aisle. “Argo, go lay down.” She closed the kennel door to keep him out.

