Nomad – Savage Crows MC Mother Charter Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 12
Estimated words: 10487 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 52(@200wpm)___ 42(@250wpm)___ 35(@300wpm)

These men were helping me. They weren’t looking for a woman to warm their bed in the way my body desperately wanted to.

A sudden sneeze took me by surprise, and my nose clogged all while the burn in my throat from it made tears spring to my eyes. Before I could say, “Excuse me,” another sneeze was assaulting me, and then another one right after that.

Joke pushed tissues into my hands, and I embarrassingly blew my nose, avoiding their gazes. My face was red and no doubt splotchy, and I knew my eyes were watery. Unattractive as hell.

I jerked in surprise when Joke pressed his fingers to my forehead, a frown pulling at his lips. His brows furrowed with concern. “She needs medicine,” Joke announced, looking at Mason. “Which one of us is braving this weather—me or you?”

“Neither of you—” I started, shaking my head. The wind was howling outside, and I knew the snow was coming down harder and faster. No one needed to be out in that mess. I would be fine. This wasn’t some death sentence or something, and medicine could wait until the storm passed.

“I’ll go,” Mason said as both men completely ignored me. I scowled at his massive, broad back as he snatched a pair of socks out of his duffel. Sitting on the edge of the bed, making it dip, he began tugging them on. “We need food anyway. I’m fucking starving.”

Joke snorted. “I bet you are.”

My cheeks burned. If there’d been any doubts as to what the two of them had been doing in the bathroom, there definitely wasn’t now.

Mason shoved his boots on and grabbed his bike keys from where he’d apparently put them on the nightstand. Leaning over me, he gripped Joke’s mouth and pressed a hot, quick kiss to his lips. My breath hitched in my throat, and warmth pooled in my belly. They were just as perfect together as I’d envisioned them to be.

“Be careful,” Joke told him, all the teasing gone from his voice.

“Always,” Mason responded.

When he opened the door, I winced at the frigid air that immediately swept into the room. He muttered a curse before he stepped outside, quickly shutting the door behind him. I looked at Joke, chewing on my bottom lip as I tugged the blankets tighter around me, trying to combat the cold that had swept into the room. “Will he be alright?”

Joke looked away from the door and nodded at me, his dark eyes meeting mine. “He’ll be fine, princess. A snow storm won’t take that man out. I promise.” Reaching up, he tucked my hair behind my ear, and my cheeks flamed once again. “Why don’t you lay back down for now? I’ll turn on a TV show, and we can chill until he gets back with medicine and food.”

Nodding, I laid back down on the bed. Getting up, Joke grabbed the remote from beside the TV, then slid into bed behind me again, casually wrapping an arm around me as if it was normal.

My breath shuddered out of my lungs. Dalton had been soft everywhere, though not overweight. It was just clear he never worked out. But Joke was all hard, lean muscles and man. It was intoxicating.

“How long have you and Mason been together?” I asked Joke as he scrolled through the television channels.

“Three years,” he told me. “We got together while we were prospecting for the Savage Crows, and once we were patched in, we went nomad.”

I swallowed thickly, wondering if I should even voice my next question. But my curiosity always won out over my sense of right and wrong.

“Do you two share women?”

He hummed, and my breath hitched in my throat when he nuzzled the back of my neck for a moment. When he inhaled the scent of my hair, my belly swooped.

“Sometimes,” he rumbled.

My mouth went dry.

He settled on Martin, which was playing on BET, and the sound of Gina scolding Martin filled the room. I settled, relaxing into the mattress and back against Joke as I lost myself in the show and Joke’s warm embrace.

I must have dozed off at some point because suddenly, I was waking up to cold air washing over my face. My eyes snapped open, only to find Mason quickly hurrying into the room, his arms weighed down with bags. Once he kicked the door shut, he deposited the plain black plastic bags on the small table in the corner of the room.

“What’d you get?” Joke asked, leaning up on his elbow to watch as Mason pulled medicine out of the bag, along with ramen noodle cups, hot dogs, napkins, plasticware, sodas, water, SPAM, and Vienna’s. My stomach rumbled at the sight of all the food, and Joke looked down at me with a smirk. “Hungry, princess?”

“A bit,” I croaked as I reached up to rub the sleep from my eyes.

