Nomad – Savage Crows MC Mother Charter Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 12
Estimated words: 10487 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 52(@200wpm)___ 42(@250wpm)___ 35(@300wpm)



“Nah, not yet,” I grunted when Macie’s eyes fluttered closed. Mason frowned at me. A strand of his long, dirty blonde hair fell into his eyes, and my fingers twitched with the urge to push it away. But he reached up to do it himself before I could. “I want to know what the hell you were thinking trying to walk to town in this little get-up.”

Macie sighed, her back pressing to my chest as she inhaled before she released it. “My boyfriend—well, I guess he’s my douchebag ex now—kicked me out of our place. I guess it’s his though, since I moved in with him, and he owns it.”

“He kicked you out in this weather?” Mason growled, sounding furious. Hell, I was too. I wanted to kick the little shit’s ass and teach him a fucking lesson. Who the hell put a woman out on her ass with nothing but the clothes on her body, much less did it when a fucking blizzard was brewing?

“We had a huge fight, and I mean, it was pretty huge. It started because dinner wasn’t made when he got home from work, but I worked today, too, and ended up picking up a couple extra hours, so I had only been home long enough to shower. I was still getting dressed when he walked in the door.”

She blew out a soft breath, her eyes still closed. “He broke a couple of plates. I got just as angry and told him he was acting like a fucking toddler—because he was.” A snarl twisted my lips. “When he tried to hit me, I grabbed his PlayStation and threw it at him. Hit him in the face with it. He shoved me out the door. I took a bit of a fall down the porch, and he threw my house slippers at me and told me we were done and I was out. Didn’t have a car to use since mine ended up in the junkyard a couple months ago, and I was using his.”

“What the fuck,” Mason seethed, his anger burning just as hotly as my own. “I hope the PlayStation broke. Fucking asshole.”

Macie nodded, a proud little smile tilting her lips that made my chest swell with pride for her. “It did when it hit the floor. He was too stunned to catch it. And that PS5 is his prized possession, so I knew it’d be the final straw.”

“I hate that he put his hands on you,” I rumbled. “Are you hurt anywhere from your fall? Think anything is broken?”

Macie shook her head. “No, I’m okay. Just really tired. To be honest, I thought I might die out there in the cold before you two came along. Figured if you two were going to kidnap me, maybe I’d at least be warm.”

Fuck. That was a shitty way of looking at things.

“We’re not kidnapping you,” Mason told her. My lips quirked in amusement. “We just want to help you. That’s it.”

“And get you warm,” I added.

Macie hummed. “You’ve both already done so much. I just want to sleep now. Today has been a long day. And I’ll probably wake up sick tomorrow.”

“If the weather isn’t too bad when we wake up, I’ll go out in the morning to get you some cold medicine,” Mason told her. He dropped a kiss to her forehead before I was even sure he realized what he was doing. He froze for a moment, proving me right, and then slowly moved back, his eyes flickering to mine.

I just smirked at him. He had always been such a sucker for a pretty face. Couldn’t deny that I was, too, but when that damsel in distress factor was added in, Mason was a fucking goner.

I already knew he was going to get attached before this storm was over. But that was okay. I’d been toying with the idea of us settling down with a woman for a while now anyway. Just hadn’t said anything to him about it yet.

Macie’s soft snore reached my ears, startling me out of my head. I glanced down at her. She was out like a light, her lips softly parted. The color had returned to her skin, flushing her cheeks. The room was warm now, too, which meant I could finally shower and wash the road off of me.

“Shower?” I quietly asked Mason, keeping my voice low so I wouldn’t disturb the sleeping beauty between us.

He nodded. We both eased out of bed, and once we were on our feet, we headed to the bathroom, quietly shutting the door behind us before we turned on the light. Immediately, I backed Mason against the bathroom wall, slotting my mouth against his. He groaned low in his throat and thrust his hips against mine, our cocks pressing together deliciously.

Fuck, I could never get enough of him.

