Nash (Bangor Badgers #2) Read Online Samantha Whiskey

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Bangor Badgers Series by Samantha Whiskey

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 62128 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 311(@200wpm)___ 249(@250wpm)___ 207(@300wpm)

“And yet part of you still worries it’s not the same for him,” Blakely says, voicing concerns I’ve shared with them many times.

“Wouldn’t you be?” I ask them both. “He’s…Nash.”

“I know,” Monroe says. “Trust me, in the beginning we were worried about you getting hurt.”

Blakely nods her agreement.

“Now we’re worried you might miss out on something great because you’re scared,” Blakely adds.

I sigh, eating another massive bite of ice cream. “I am too,” I say after I swallow the bite. “But I’m scared of it ending,” I admit. “It’s been four months with him, and I don’t want it to end. I want it to be real. And I’m scared if I admit that, he’ll moonwalk away, saying it was never that way for him.” I shake my head, eating some popcorn. “Why ruin something so good?”

“No one is telling you to ruin it,” Monroe says. “We’re just saying, we see you. We see you happy in a way we’ve never seen before, that’s all.”

I nod, smiling at them both. “Thanks. I promise, I’m going to figure it out. I mean, it can’t stay this perfect forever, right?”

“It can,” Blakely says confidently. “But you have to put in the work too.”

“Right, and part of my work is trying to tell the most notoriously non-monogamous Badger that I want him to pick me. Choose me. Only me.”

“What would it take for you, Monroe?” Blakely asks.


“You’re basically the woman version of Nash,” she continues.

“Offended,” Monroe teases. “But go on.”

“If you were with someone, trying out a relationship, what would it take to convince you it was worth something more serious?”

“Oh,” I say, catching on. “She has a good point.”

Monroe considers, a barrage of emotions shifting in her eyes. “Patience,” she finally says, surprising me. “Patience and a whole lot of trust.” She shrugs. “I have my reasons for being terrified of commitment. Anyone wanting me for the long haul would have to get that and work with me on it.” She shakes her head. “I sound like a lot of work,” she laughs.

“You are,” I tease. “But to the right person, that wouldn’t be work. It would just…be.” I think about Nash, about the girls who constantly follow him around. It’s not work to be understanding through all of that. It’s not work to consider having to take things slow. It’s…worth everything. He’s worth everything.

“Okay,” Blakely says. “So, Reese, you just need to be patient and understanding, which you already are.”

“Right,” I say, shaking my head. “In the meantime, I’ll just have to hope I’m not way off base with Nash freaking Stokehill.”

“Yep,” Monroe says. “Good luck with that,” she teases.

I laugh at her snark, tossing a piece of popcorn at her.

She catches it with her mouth, throwing her hands up in celebration.

“God, you’re annoyingly awesome all the time,” I tease her.

We all laugh, and Blakely queues up the latest romcom, thankfully switching the attention off me and Monroe both.

Soon we’re just three best friends, indulging in sweet treats and movies.

It’s a fun night to escape into, one where I only think about the possibilities of Nash actually wanting to be with me a few times. The idea alone is enough to send my heart fluttering, so I kill the nerves with junk food, and focus on much needed girl time.



“Two eggs over medium, hash browns with onions and peppers, sourdough toast, and a side of maple syrup,” Hadley tells the waitress in our favorite local breakfast spot, handing her the menu after she places her order.

I put in my order, and the waitress disappears in the kitchen.

“I feel like it's been forever since we've done this,” I say, happy to have finally been able to get my little sister to sit down and have a meal with me. We used to do it all the time, but our schedules only seem to get busier and more demanding every year.

“I know,” Hadley says, sipping her coffee. “Don't get me wrong, I love my classes and I'm so excited to almost be done, but every year it's gotten harder. I feel like all I do is go to school and study most days.”

“You're doing amazing.” I have nothing but pride for her. “I've never seen anybody work as hard as you do.”

She flashes me an incredulous look. “That is so not true,” she says. “Nash, all you've done is work your ass off since you were a kid. And sure, in the beginning, hockey may have been a passion for you, something you did because you loved it and you were damn good at it, but the minute Dad got sick? The minute the bills started piling up? The minute you had to step in and become more than just a big brother?” She visibly swallows, shrugging a little. “I've never seen anybody work that hard. And you've never stopped. Not for a second. Not even after you signed your rookie contract and the finances were no longer such a burden.”

