Nash (Bangor Badgers #2) Read Online Samantha Whiskey

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Bangor Badgers Series by Samantha Whiskey

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 62128 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 311(@200wpm)___ 249(@250wpm)___ 207(@300wpm)

“Where can we go?” I ask as I shift off of him.

He adjusts himself, kissing me quickly. “I’m sharing a room with Lawson.”

“And I’m with the girls.” I look at him apologetically.

He smiles, tipping my chin up to meet his eyes as we head toward the door. “I’m in no hurry, Reese’s Pieces,” he says, smoothing some of my bed-head hair. “We have time.”

I swallow hard, excitement soaring through me at that statement. Sure, this is all an arrangement, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t enjoy the hell out of it while it lasted, right?



“Remember this,” Coach says from his traditional spot in our locker room, his smile reaching his eyes after a hell of a win against Tampa Bay Lightning. He points to the floor to indicate the whole room. “Remember this feeling.” He moves that hand to his chest. “Focus on it. Meditate on it. Manifest it.” He nods, glancing around the locker room. “You earned this win. Fought and sweat and bled for it!” He points to Baylor, who is indeed bleeding from a cut above his eyebrow. I swear my friend is built like a brick house, but he’s constantly getting injured. “Who are we?”

“Bangor!” everyone shouts in answer, feeding off of Coach’s energy.

“What are we?”


“Heck yeah!” He fist-bumps the air, and I laugh at his goofy dad-like enthusiasm.

We won, and it feels fucking great.

For the first time in three years, I feel like our team is coming together as a unit, one that can’t be discredited any longer. Our new owner changed the game, and helped me remember why I love playing in the first place.

Coach waves us off, and we hit the showers. I make it quick, and I’m back at my locker getting dressed within ten minutes. I have a scheduled post-game interview to hit in the media room and I can’t be late.

I hurry into the room, Coach waving me in as I nod to the dozen or so reports waiting. I hurry behind the podium, prepared to answer questions about tonight’s game.

“Coming off tonight’s win,” the first reporter asks. “Do you think the Badgers have a shot of making the playoffs this year.”

“I think we have a shot every single year,” I say, putting on my best public smile, the one that doesn’t make me look ridiculous on camera. “I always maintain that mindset,” I elaborate. “Of course, I know the logistics. We have to win to make it there, and tonight’s win certainly means we’re on the right track.”

Another reporter raises their hand, and I focus on them. “Do you think the recent addition of playmaker Lawson Wolfe is the change the team needed? Or is there more at play with the difference in the way the team looks this season versus last?”

I laugh. “Wolfe is a powerhouse addition, there’s no denying that,” I say, knowing I’ll catch shit for that admission later. “But he’s not the only factor this season. The entire Badgers team was re-structured, right down to the owner. Add to that a new skate coach and other specialists, and it’s made a real difference in how we operate as a team.”

“So it’s safe to say you’re enjoying the new team vibes?” the reporter continues.

“Yes,” I answer honestly. “We’ve got a great thing going, and I have a feeling it’s going to take us further than ever before.”

I nod to another reporter, who stands. “In the spirit of it being Valentine’s Day and all,” she says, grinning. “Reporters have spotted you with the same companion half a dozen times in the last two months and the Badgers’ social media page is heating up with evidence of that too. Do you have big plans for your new flame tonight?”

My real smile comes out before I can school it, and I do my best to just go with it. I can’t help it. Any mention of Reese has me acting like a love-struck teenager.

“I’m not going to lie,” I say, laughing softly. “I’m out of my depth when it comes to relationships. You all know that because you’ve loved writing about it for the past three years.” That earns me a laugh from the crowd. “But yes,” I continue. “I have something big planned for her. I just hope she likes it.”

I answer a few more questions before turning it over to Coach and heading back to the locker room.

“Where are you taking Blakely tonight, Wolfe?” I hear Pax ask as I make my way back to my locker to pick up my stuff.

Lawson and him are finished getting dressed and packing up their things.

Lawson grins, that totally-in-love look practically making him glow. “I hired a private chef,” he says, shoving gear in his bag. “He’s top rated, she’s going to flip.”

“Nice,” I say, nodding. Had to give the guy credit for planning a big night for them.

