Malone’s Pride – Haven Texas Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 111359 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 557(@200wpm)___ 445(@250wpm)___ 371(@300wpm)

“You’ll do it quietly?” she asked. “You won’t tell anyone?”

“Not my place to tell anyone, sweetheart.” Jake turned to Raid. “You’ll keep her safe in the meantime?”

“Of course I will.” Raid sounded slightly insulted, but Jake didn’t appear worried. “I’m going to drop her at work, then pick her up after. And she won’t be going anywhere while she’s at work. Will you, Hannah?”

Whoa. That tone told her that she’d better do as she was told. Luckily, she agreed, so she nodded.

“Good,” Jake replied, his face growing soft. “Hannah, thank you for telling me. We’ve all been worried about you and we’re here for you. No matter what.”

That was really sweet, and she had to blink back some tears as she nodded and followed Raid out.

Thank God that part was over. She felt like a weight had lifted from her. Maybe now, things could find some semblance of normal.

Maybe everything would be all right.


There was something wrong with Raid.

Ever since she’d told him everything, he’d been slightly off.

What if he doesn’t want you anymore?

But he’d told her that he still wanted her. Nor had he walked away. And he was still being affectionate. He still touched her. It was just . . . different.

Softer. More careful. Like she was delicate.

As if she might break.

The thing was, she couldn’t blame him. There had been times she felt like she might break.

But he’d started to build her up . . . she felt stronger just from being around him. And in a very short time. Imagine how she’d feel after a month? Six months? A year? And she wanted more. More of those kisses, those touches. Just more.

Maybe she was imagining things, though.

These were crazy times, after all.

They’d been on two dates already and he’d spent the last three nights in her bed. Yep, he’d taken her out on their second date after picking her up from work yesterday. To the movies in Freestown. And for ice cream after.

Then he’d spent last night in her bed again, holding her tight and keeping the nightmares at bay.

No nightmare could penetrate the safety of his arms.

Now it was Saturday morning, and she was still in her pajamas, nursing a cup of coffee.

“Want to go to the diner for breakfast?” he asked.

“Sure. What do you want to do today?” She had the day off work today.

“How do you feel about horseback riding?” he asked.

She stared at him, wide-eyed.

“Or we don’t have to if you’re not into that.”

“Are you kidding me? I would love that!”

“Yeah?” Amusement filled his face.

“Oh my God! Yes! I haven’t been riding since I was a kid and I went to Missy Sue’s birthday. Missy Sue didn’t like me. I’m pretty sure her mom made her invite me, but I didn’t care because she had pony rides. Can we go now?”

He started laughing as she jumped to her feet eagerly. He eyed her. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this excited about something, darlin’. Not even when I kiss you.”

“Oh,” she said breathlessly. “That’s a different kind of excitement, but definitely exciting.”

“Good to know. These horses are going to be a bit bigger than a pony, though.”

“I like them big.”

Whoa. Had she just said that? And it was kind of cheesy. But he let out another deep laugh, and she grinned with pleasure.

She loved making him laugh.

Suddenly, he stopped and stared at her.

“What? What is it? Have I got stuff on my face this time?”

Reaching over, he tugged her hands away from her face. “There’s nothing on there, baby. It’s just . . . you were smiling. Like you were happy.”


She guessed she hadn’t smiled much lately. If at all?

“It’s a good thing, darlin’. I like seeing you smile. Knowing that you’re happy.”

“I like it too. I didn’t think I’d ever be happy again. That I’d ever have this.” She waved her hand between them.

How long until he wanted more than she was giving him, though?

For once, the thought didn’t spread fear through her. In fact, she was thinking that with Raid, she might be too turned on to be scared.

“Have you got some clothes suitable for horse riding?” he asked.

Shit. Did she?

“I think I have some old jeans and a T-shirt.”

“All right, you get dressed. We’ll go to the diner and then out to the ranch. If you want . . . you could pack a bag? Stay a night at the ranch?”


Did she want that?

It was completely out of her comfort zone. But it made sense when they were having lunch there the next day.

“We can kick Tanner out for the night if it makes you feel better.”

“We can’t kick Tanner out of his own home,” she protested.

“Sure, we can. I’ll put a sock on the door. It’s the universal sign for fuck off.”

“He’ll . . . he’ll think we’re having sex.”

