Malone’s Pride – Haven Texas Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 111359 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 557(@200wpm)___ 445(@250wpm)___ 371(@300wpm)

“No,” she said firmly.

Suddenly, Josie reached over to touch her hand and Hannah snatched her hand back, her breath catching in her throat. Her head began spinning as the air was trapped in her lungs.

Shit. Shit.

She knew as soon as she did it that it was a mistake. If she hadn’t reacted like that, maybe she’d have some chance of making them believe everything was fine.


“Nothing’s wrong, huh?” Melody said. “Don’t bullshit us, Hannah.”

Fuck. Shit.

“Whatever is going on, you can tell us, honey,” Josie added, chewing on her lip. Today, her hair was bubblegum pink. It looked crazy, but it suited her.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Hannah! Stop running away from us.” Melody reached out, but she managed to avoid her as she moved toward the bathroom.

“I’ll be back. Everything is fine. Promise.”

Her legs were shaky, her vision tunneled as she attempted to make her way to the bathroom. There was a bunch of rowdy guys by the door that led out the back, and she paused, unable to see how to get past them without having to push her way through.

Which she really didn’t want to do.

Her breathing grew choppy.

Fuck. Fuck.

She could not lose it here. There was no way. But her skin was growing flushed, and she was sweating. If she waited too long, one of her friends would spot her and come to her rescue.

And that was the last thing she needed.

“Hey! Move out of the way. You’re blocking the way to the bathroom,” a deep voice said demandingly.

She jumped, turning.

There he was.

Why? Why did he have to be here? She swallowed heavily. He was the last person she wanted to see.

Because while new-Hannah knew that she’d never be in a relationship again, that it wasn’t something she could risk, old-Hannah looked at Raid Malone and wanted to swoon. Or fall at his feet and beg him to wrap her up in those thick, muscular arms.

To have him promise her that he’d keep her safe and love her always.

Which was just stupid. Not only because Raid had never shown her any sort of interest, but also because she knew that no one could keep her safe.

She couldn’t risk letting anyone close.

Not even Raid Malone.

Some of the guys turned to look at them, one of them stepping forward. He was huge. Steven hadn’t been a big guy, but he’d still hurt her. This guy could crush her.

Though Raid was even bigger than this guy, she still didn’t hesitate to take a step closer to Raid. Whether it was because she was scared and wanted his protection or because she wanted to protect him, she wasn’t sure.

Either way, her brain hadn’t really been in control of the movement. She stilled, waiting to see what the other guy would do. But her movement had drawn his attention, and his body softened as he took her in.

“Sure,” the big guy called out. “Get out of the way, assholes. Let Hannah through.”

Did she know him? She peered closer. Wait, he was one of their newly enrolled patients at the clinic.

“Thanks, Rusty,” she said to him quietly. Thankfully, her voice didn’t shake. Much.

Rusty had moved here with his three brothers and one sister, although none of them looked alike. She glanced around for their sister, Peony, but couldn’t see her anywhere.

Rusty nodded to her, and his brothers did the same. She slid past them and walked toward the toilets.

“Wait for me if you get out first,” a deep voice said behind her. “I’ll walk you back.”

She jumped, turning. She hadn’t realized that Raid had followed her into the hallway.

“Oh. Thank you for your help, but I’m fine now. You don’t need to escort me back.”

His head tilted to the side as though he was trying to comprehend her words. He studied her intently. She moved her hands behind her back, pressing her nails into the palms of her hands to hide her stress.

What was he thinking? Did he see that she’d changed?

Well, of course he sees that, idiot. It’s as clear as the nose on his face.

But would he guess why?

No. Even her friends didn’t know for sure. They figured it had something to do with Steven. They just didn’t know exactly what.

And they wouldn’t find out from her.

“Wait out here for me if I take longer than you do,” he said firmly.

She frowned slightly. Why did he care? Well, she guessed he was an overprotective guy. She’d seen that many times over the years with his sisters-in-law, but especially when that day when she’d fallen over in the clinic.

Old-Hannah wanted to cringe in embarrassment.

But new-Hannah? Well, she simply didn’t care that much.

At least that’s what she tried to tell herself, anyway. She wasn’t going to let herself feel anything for Raid. That would be stupid.

Because she couldn’t have that in her life anymore. She couldn’t have anyone as beautiful and pure as Raid.

