Kendric Read online Bella Jewel (King’s Descendants MC #4)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King's Descendants MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 69155 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

"You're goin' to kill me anyway," Samson spits. "Might as well fuckin' do it now."

Alarick walks over, leaning in close to Samson's face. "You're goin' to do this because you owe us this much. Do you fuckin' understand me?"

Samson holds his gaze, his expression hard. Then, in a low, gravelly voice, he growls, "Yes, boss."

"Where is your brother?" Alarick demands.

"On a fuckin' island."


"I can show you," Samson mutters. "He'll kill me before I get my daughter back. But let's do it your fuckin' way."

Alarick snarls a curse at him. "You don't get a choice here, Samson."

Samson stares at him. "Then you better get movin', or it'll be too late."


This is gettin' intense.

Here goes nothin'.


We're standing in Alarick's office, discussing our next move, when Jayden comes running in and right over to me, stretching his little arms up to pick him up. In the last two days we've had him, he has been clinging to me non-stop. The kid has decided he likes me, and I can't deny that I fuckin' like him, too. He's a good kid, fuckin' cute and sweet. I pick him up and smile at him. "Hey buddy, we'll go to the bike soon, okay?"

He wraps his arms around my neck.

Something inside of me goes soft.

Fuckin' kids.

"What are we going to do with Jayden while you all get Zariah?" Briella asks, smiling at Jayden.

"You and Merleigh will have him," Alarick tells her. "We're leavin' tonight, goin' to keep you here at the club where I know you'll be safe."

"That fucker know we're comin'?" I ask Samson, who is bound to a chair, dried blood on his face.

"He knows fuckin' everything."

"You're goin' to call him, say whatever it is you say, to make sure that he doesn't know we're comin' for him," Alarick orders.

Samson glares at Alarick. He isn't sayin' a word.

"How do you usually contact him?" I ask Samson, bouncing Jayden to my other hip because fuck, this boy is heavy.

"I don't," Samson mutters. "He contacts me. He's not stupid enough to have a way for me to trace him."

"You know where this island is, you're certain?" Alarick asks.

"Yeah," Samson answers. "I know where it is."

"Then we don't waste any more time. We need to get movin' and catch him out before it's too late."

"You can't just show up there," Samson shakes his head. "He has that place on watch. They'll see you comin' a mile away."

"How does he usually get there?" I ask, forming a plan in my mind.

"He has a stock ship that goes back and forth Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday."

It's Friday today.

Perfect fuckin' timing.

"Then we get on that today," Alarick stands, looking to Bohdi. "Find guns, weapons, anything you can pack in a bag. One each."

"That'll never fuckin' work, he'll kill you," Samson argues, tugging at his restraints.

Alarick walks over, leaning down, hands either side of the chair. "We've got no other fuckin' choice, thanks to you. We die, our blood is on your hands. That fuckin' clear?"

Samson's jaw ticks.

"Flick!" Briella says, her voice wobbling. "It's too dangerous..."

Alarick glances at her. "We got no choice, babe."

"There has to be another way."

"He's got Zariah and Samson's daughter. We go in there, and we get them back. There isn't another option. He's too fuckin' smart. We think this over too long, and he'll find out. We're leaving today."

"If you knew where this island was, Samson," Briella says to him, her face hurt when she looks at him. "Why did you not just go and get your daughter?"

"You think it's that easy?" Samson growls. "He never kept her in one spot. I looked into it. He is smarter than any of you realize, and he's goin' to get away with all of this. You're fucked if you think you can beat him."

"Bike!" Jayden cries again, tugging at my jacket.

"It's sleep time, little man," I say to him. "If you don't have a daytime nap, your momma is goin' to crush my ass. Let's go."

I look to Alarick. "I'll get shit sorted. Meet you here in a few hours."

Alarick nods.

I turn and walk out with Jayden. We get to a spare room that I have allocated to be his and only his, and I lay him down on the bed, sitting beside him. "Time for a sleep, yeah?"

He shakes his head, putting a stubborn look on his face that reminds me of Zariah. God, how did I fuck up so bad with her?

"You got to," I prompt.

He tugs at my jacket, and I exhale, lying down beside him. A huge smile spreads across his face, and he snuggles into my side. My heart feels big again, a pulsing, soft muscle that's makin' me feel things I've never felt before.

I want her in my life.

I want this boy in my life.

I'm fuckin' scared about bein' locked up before I can save her.

