Kendric Read online Bella Jewel (King’s Descendants MC #4)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King's Descendants MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 69155 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

For a moment, I feel panicked. Purely because my control is suddenly stripped away from me, and not having control is something I’ve struggled with for years. I look to Kendric and he must see the fear in my eyes, because he takes my jaw in his hands and rasps, “Do you trust me or not, Zariah?”

I nod. “I do.”

“Then you know I will not do any fuckin’ thing you don’t want. Do you understand me?”

I nod.

“Say it,” he growls.

“I understand you.”

“Good. Now I’m goin’ to take your clothes off and do things to you that you could only imagine in your wildest dreams. Then I’m goin’ to fuck you, soft at first, then fuckin’ hard, so hard this staircase will rattle. I know you want pain—I’ll give you pain. Just enough to get you where you need to be, then I’ll stop. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I whisper, my body already trembling at the very thought.

“Good. Now you don’t fuckin’ say another word until I give you permission. Are we clear?”



“Yes, Kendric.”

“Good girl.”

He steps forward and with slow movements that make my entire body simply burn with anticipation, he slowly removes my clothes. He lifts my shirt up and over my head and tucks it behind my neck so it’s still on but I’m exposed. I also feel like I’m bound a little tighter, which I like. God, no, I love.

He unclips my bra and moves up around behind me, before stepping in front of me again and staring at my breasts. He lets his gaze rake over them, slowly, and I squirm out of sheer need. “You’re fuckin’ beautiful, do you know that?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes, Kendric.”

He leans down and closes his mouth around my nipple. I arch and clamp my mouth shut as desperate words of pleasure threaten to come out. I squirm and my pussy aches as Kendric sucks on my nipple, slowly twirling his tongue around the hard nub before closing his teeth over it and giving it a sharp nip that has me yelping, and then moaning in pleasure as incredible sensations rip through my body.

He moves to the other one, trailing soft kisses across my skin. The rugged, sharp feeling of his stubble scrapes across my skin and brings my body up even higher, to the point where I’m not sure I ever want to come down. He finds my other nipple and closes his lips around it, sucking hard, until pain rips through my breast in the most incredible way. “Kendric,” I rasp, arching toward him.

He bites down so hard I cry out.

He lifts his head up and meets my gaze. “Do not speak, Zariah.”

I’m panting now as our eyes lock and, after a moment, he moves back to torturing my nipples in the most exquisite way.

God help me.

This is heaven on earth.

I need more of it.

He moves down my body until he reaches my pants. Slowly, oh so slowly, he drags them down my legs until I’ve stepped out of them and am completely bare before him. My skin prickles and my eyes are unwavering as I take him in. Huge man, on his knees, looking so god damned good it makes my heart flutter. He looks up at me, and with a feral grin he takes my leg, lifting it over his shoulder.

Then he’s eating me.

He shoves his face into my pussy, his tongue lashing out to torment my clit. He swirls and bites and sucks and licks until I’m moaning in pleasure, unable to stop it. I tug on my cuffs, arching my back. Pain shoots through my damaged and sore body, but it only enhances my pleasure. Before I can hold it back, hell, before I even know what’s happening, an intense feeling rips through my body and then releases with a gush of liquid.

I cry out, he growls, making a vicious sound, and the orgasm I have is the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt in my life. As spurt after spurt of liquid is released from my pussy. I find it hard to think, or move, or do anything but whimper and tremble. I’ve never had a man eat me the way he just did, it was absolutely out of this world. The most talented tongue to ever come close to my body.

Kendric pulls back and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He’s got my release all over him, but the look in his eyes, the feral look, tells me he doesn’t mind. Not at all.

“You a squirter?” he rasps, his voice thick.

“I am now,” I whimper, my voice breathy.

“Never had a woman squirt, that was fuckin’ incredible. Let’s see if I can make you do it again.”

Oh god.

He stands up and with one quick motion, his pants are down. He takes hold of his thick, hard cock and starts stroking it. It’s already swollen and red and clearly ready for its own release. His jaw is tight as he drops his head back, his strokes getting faster and faster. I tug on my restraints. I want nothing more than to touch him right now, to run my hands all over his incredible body, to bite his flesh, to stroke his cock and put it in my mouth.

