Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

They hug and slap backs.

I smile at Mae and Beth and other store owners who know and love Aaron. Hell, seems like practically all of Aqua Vista showed up to celebrate with us.

I grab a couple of beers from a cooler as he continues greeting everyone.

When I hand him a cold one, he turns his radiant smile on me. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

“I can’t believe it went off without a hitch.”

We clink bottles, take swigs, then connect our lips as people clap and cheer.

“I told you they make a hot couple!”

Aaron blinks in shock. “Chase?”

His friends from San Jose step up to high-five him.

“Cool party,” Spencer says. “Thanks for the invite.”

Thanks to Rocco for organizing that part of it.

When Beth heads our way, muttering her agreement with Chase, I’m afraid she’s going to bring up her visions of our future before we can make our escape. I know she means well and is only excited for us, but I’d prefer our future to roll out the way it’s meant to, without any input. I motion to Frank to turn up the music, and as if sensing my hesitation, Isabel steps in Beth’s path for a chat and introductions to Aaron’s friends.

Soon enough, rock tunes are piping through his phone, drinks are poured, and the party resumes. There’s a table with appetizers and desserts, but we’re still stuffed from our dinner.

We spend most of the time making the rounds and talking to guests, but we also slow-dance at high tide, with the waves crashing over our bare feet. Even Mr. Goodson is there, playing his ukelele, a smile on his face—the first one I’ve seen in a long while, so maybe some of his grief is lifting.

“Thanks for a perfect night,” Aaron says with a dreamy smile, looking blissfully happy. And fuck, if I could see him like this every day, I’ll try my darndest to make it happen.

When I spot Rocco and Frank talking near the beer cooler, I take Aaron’s hand and lead us over to them.

“Thanks for all the help planning this,” I say, and Rocco nods.

“I still can’t believe this,” Aaron exclaims, slurring his words a little. “Thank you!” He turns toward the bonfire. “I love you all!”

The people nearby whoop and holler in amusement, looking a bit tipsy themselves. June is chatting up Mae and her husband, and Isabel and Gordon are swaying to a slow song near the water. A few guests have already left, given the late hour.

“I have something I want to say,” I begin, and Frank and Rocco stop talking to listen. I squeeze Aaron’s hand for courage. “Over a year ago, a man in a bimmer rolled into town and tried to buy my business. The rest is history.”

Aaron and Rocco share a laugh, and Frank rolls his eyes, no doubt remembering all the drama that ensued. Mostly from my end.

“I…just wonder if the offer still stands.”

Rocco’s eyebrows slam together. “What do you mean?”

“I was stubborn and inflexible…mostly still grieving my family,” I admit. “But I’ve always known deep down that it’s never been a perfect fit.”

Aaron tugs on my hand. “What are you saying, baby?”

“I’m saying, given the chance now, I would agree to your offer with one stipulation.”

There’s a spark in Rocco’s eyes I’ve seen before. The art of the sale. “And what’s that?”

I glance at my best friend. “That Frank has a stake in the business. He’s like a brother to me, and there’s no one I would trust more to run that place.”

Frank takes a shaky step forward. “Jack, what are you⁠—”

“I mean, if you want it. I talked it over with June and Johnny, and they agree.” I meet Aaron’s eyes, and he nods. The topic has come up a couple of times since his arrival, but this is a decision I wanted to make on my own. “But I’ll only sell the place if you’ll run it. Between you and Rocco and your obsessions with the auto industry, you could make that business shine.”

“Holy shit,” Frank says. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“I am.”

Frank squeezes my shoulder. “And what about you?”

I shrug. “Maybe I’ve been thinking about that empty storefront next to the butcher’s.”

Aaron alerted me to it the other day after speaking to Louise, the retiring store owner whose yarn business is folding. I’ve been thinking about it ever since.

“Is that so?” Frank gives me a knowing look. “Can I give it some thought?”

“Obviously,” I reply. “I’d like Aaron to walk me through it anyway.”

When they walk away, I turn toward the water and breathe out. I feel Aaron’s arms wind around my midsection. “I’m proud of you,” he says. “And don’t worry, I’ll make sure the gas prices aren’t hiked. I know that’s a big sticking point for you.”

“Not sure it matters what I think anymore. That’ll be Frank’s issue to contend with, and I trust him to do the right thing.”

