Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

Speaking of Rocco, my cell buzzes with a text from Frank, his new BFF. All set?


It’s been tough not to spill the beans about tonight’s plans. Thankfully, everyone else has been tight-lipped as well. The biggest shock had to be Rocco, who can talk nonstop if you let him. Especially about his business and cars. No surprise there, he and Frank are tied at the hip—well, as much as they can be with Rocco in San Jose.

But they’ve met at auto shows in the area, and whenever Rocco visits, they go off in their own little world to talk about—what else?—cars. Especially if Corrine doesn’t tag along. Apparently, they decided to postpone the wedding and enjoy their engagement longer. There’s nothing wrong with taking things slow. Not that I would know. I’ve never had marriage designs, but never say never. For now, I’m just enjoying my life and my relationship.

Aaron returns wearing a blue button-down with the sleeves rolled to the elbows.

“Damn, you clean up good.”

“Not so bad yourself,” Aaron replies, stepping into my arms for a steamy kiss and then protesting when I pull away.

“There’ll be plenty of time for that later. I promise.”

“I hope so.” He mock-pouts, and I chuckle because our sex life is not lacking. We’ve made love in practically every room in this house. What did he expect, looking all hot and sweaty, holding a hammer with bulging biceps? “Where are we headed?”

“I thought we’d try something new a little ways out of town.”

“Sounds perfect,” he says, and I smile warily. Maybe I’m more nervous about this than I thought. I just hope he enjoys himself. That’s really all that matters.

Once we’re in the truck, I turn on the radio and hum along to a song to calm down.

“Why are you in such a good mood?”

I give him a sidelong glance. “Maybe because I get to spend a birthday with the man I love.”

He reaches for my hand. “Be still my beating heart.”

I pull up to a steak restaurant not far from the eagle’s nest. We’re led to a table in the center of the room, open a bottle of red wine, and order our food. We talk and laugh, and it occurs to me that it never feels old with him. But it always feels comfortable. Like I’m exactly who I’m supposed to be with him. It hasn’t been easy opening myself up, layer by layer, to give him everything he deserves, and lo and behold, he still wants to be around me. Even when we’ve had arguments—which have been few and far between—he doesn’t throw leaving in my face, and fuck, do I appreciate that.

I lift my glass. “A toast to your birthday.”

“Thanks for spending it with me.” He smiles. “Moving here was the best decision I made in a long time.”

I reach for his hand across the table as my heart softens a little bit more.

After dinner, we drive back to Aqua Vista and park at the service station.

“Now what do you have up your sleeve? Dessert from the vending machine?” he teases, knowing full well the selection inside is limited. Too limited, according to him.

“Very funny.” I peck his head. “A stroll on the beach?”

He sighs. “I’d love that.”

We walk hand in hand toward the path leading down to the beach.

Dusk is setting in, which cools the air swirling around us, and the night already feels so perfect I’d be content if it ended this way.

Except for the other plans.

“Looks like someone’s having a party.” Aaron points toward the orange and yellow flickering flames from a bonfire down the way.

“Guess so.” I clear my throat. “Want to head in the other direction?”

My pulse throbs as he considers the offer, then shakes his head. “Nah, I enjoy people-watching.”

True. Some days, I find him on the beach after a hike, just sitting on his towel and taking it all in. He enjoys watching the surfers as well, which means he and Cain have gotten to know each other better. Even asked him for lessons, but they haven’t found the right time yet.

As we get closer, Aaron’s hand stiffens in mine—he must recognize some of the people gathered. “What’s going on?”

My grip tightens on his hand. “We couldn’t celebrate a milestone birthday without family and friends.”

“Are you kidding me?” His eyebrows rise to his hairline. “I can’t believe you did this.”

I tug on his arm, urging him to greet everyone who showed up to the bonfire. His mom steps up first and throws her arms around him. Gordon is with her, and Minnie too, running circles around our feet in the sand. Aaron turns to shake Frank’s and Johnny’s hands, and June kisses his cheek. Cain smiles and waves along with some of his surfer buddies.

When Rocco appears from behind some residents, Aaron gasps, seeming most flabbergasted to see him. “Happy birthday, buddy!”

