Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“Maybe not.” He huffs out a breath. “Maybe you have me considering other options. Options other than San Jose.”

“Don’t do that.” I give him a pointed look. He knows Theo moved to Aqua Vista and couldn’t hack it. Not that Aaron is the same, but maybe the aspirations are. “Don’t change your life just because you think— That doesn’t always work out the way you expect it will.”

“Maybe this is about more than you and me. Maybe you have everything I never knew I wanted in Aqua Vista.”

“Like what?” We’re in front of a gift shop, and I step under the awning. “Look at where you live. In a thriving city, with a successful business.”

“I do, but…Aqua Vista has grown on me. And you—you’ve gotten under my skin. I miss being around you even when you’re grumpy.”

My mouth pulls into a smirk. “Gee, thanks.”

“You live in a picturesque town with an awesome family. You complain they’re always in your business, but you can see the undying love and support.” He shakes his head. “I wish I had that.”

“You have a mom who’s still alive,” I point out.

“Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—” He makes a frustrated sound. “I love my mom. But I don’t have siblings or extended family I’m close to.”

“Yeah, I get it.” I reach out and clutch his waist, unable to help wanting to be closer. “They encouraged me to come here. Not only because they adore you, but because they know how I feel about you.”

“And how is that?”

“I’m…” My pulse throbs. “You’ve gotten under my skin too. I wanted to see you again so badly. You might think they twisted my arm to make this trip, but they didn’t. I wanted to come, but I didn’t think⁠—”

My words are muffled by his mouth mashing against mine with a deep and bruising kiss that makes my stomach turn to mush.

He crushes his body against mine, enclosing me in all that warmth, and his commanding presence takes my breath away. I want more—more of him. I want to crawl beneath his skin and really feel him, truly connect.

I can feel his heartbeat galloping against mine, his cock stiff while mine aches, and I can’t get enough of his lips and tongue.

Someone walking past whistles, snapping us out of our frenzy, so we break apart, panting heavily into each other’s mouths.

“Let’s get out of here,” Aaron says hoarsely.

Hands clasped, we drive to his apartment, each lost in our heads. I feel the heaviness of the moment in my gut as fear takes hold that my longing for him will never be alleviated. That it’ll never be enough, or that he’ll never want me as much as I want him. He may have lofty ideas about other options, but reality rarely matches one’s expectations.

As soon as we’re behind closed doors, we kick out of our shoes and pull off each other’s clothes, leaving a trail of shirts and pants on the way to his room.

We stumble onto the bed, and Aaron drags me on top, his tongue in my ear, his teeth along my jaw, his fingers burrowing tightly in my hair.

“Want you to fuck me,” I murmur as my tongue licks into his mouth. “Need it.”

He stares hard into my eyes, as if making sure I’m serious, though I hinted as much at the bar. It’s not a request I’ve made very often, but tonight, I’m burning with the prospect.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Wanna remember how you feel.”

“Fucking hell,” he groans, grabbing my ass and rutting against me. “I want to remember this, us, too.”

I bite back a moan of desperation as I flop to my back on the mattress, allowing him room to dig for a condom and lube. Beyond turned on, I flip to my hands and knees so I’m ready for him.

“Christ, look at you.” And hell, offering myself up to him like this feels vulnerable, but I’m so blinded by need I can’t find it in me to care.

He hurriedly slicks his fingers with lube, as if dying to feel as connected. His cock is stiff, the tip red, and as he pushes a finger inside me, it steals my breath, not only because it’s been a while.

“You okay?”

My knees tremble when he gently kisses my shoulder.

“I’m perfect.”

When his hand reaches around to fist my cock, I clutch at the sheets from the dual sensation of him pumping his finger in and out of my ass. I moan when he adds a second digit.

By the time I’m prepped, I’m begging for release. Given the satisfied grin pulling at his lips, he’s pleased that he’s making me lose my mind. Once he rolls on the condom, he presses his cock against my hole, applying light pressure, but it doesn’t quench the raw need inside me.

“Fuck me, Aaron.” I clench my teeth, pushing back against him.

