Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“The answer would still be no.” Jack slaps some bills on the bar. “I’m outta here.”

I watch his legs eat up the distance to the door as Frank gives Johnny a look. I consider going after him, but knowing Jack, he won’t entertain a conversation.

I mouth sorry to Johnny, and he gives me a curt nod.

The conversation turns awkward, and once we’re finished eating, I’m ready to leave, so I fish out my wallet and set it on the bar top.

“Cashing out?” Johnny asks, his tone formal, as he removes our empty plates.

“Please,” I reply, then make a face at Rocco as he retrieves the bill.

“What did I do?” he asks quietly as I beat him to the punch and slide my card toward Johnny.

“They look after each other around here.” Once the bill is paid, I stand. “Let’s go.”

We say our goodbyes to Frank, who thumps me on the back in sympathy, and we drive back to the inn in virtual silence.

In the parking lot, I cut the engine. “Maybe next time, read the room. You’re not in San Jose. Things move differently around here.”

“Well, damn. I didn’t mean⁠—”

“I told you I had it handled. In fact, you do that to me a lot. I might not be as savvy as you, but I know when to back away from a business deal that’s about to sour. You should’ve left it alone.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry,” he admits. In the end, it’s what makes him a likable guy. He can at least acknowledge when he’s wrong and normally tries to make up for it.

“What I don’t understand is why you seem overly invested in this business plan. What am I missing?”

He winces. “Since the housing market bubble burst, opportunities are drying up, and…well, we know how that goes.”

This business is fickle for sure, so you’re either riding a high or picking at scraps. “Still, we’re not hurting. We always make do, right?”

“Yeah, of course. I suppose I just worry because…Corrine’s got all these ideas about buying a new house and owning land, and she’s got some upscale tastes.” High maintenance is more like it when it comes to Corrine, but I don’t say that. “So I can’t help wondering if I’ll be able to provide her the kind of life she dreams of.”

“You give her plenty.” I scoff. “And life is about more than material things, isn’t it?”

He nods, but sometimes, I’m not sure he believes it. “I know I get a little overzealous about what seems like a kickass idea. The moment you mentioned the service station, it sounded almost too good to be true, so I thought we should jump on it.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ll admit, I wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as you, but that was just a gut feeling about the owner.”

“And I should’ve listened.” He thumps my shoulder. “None of this would work without you keeping me in check. We may have different skill sets, but that’s what’s made our business a success.”

“I know.” I sigh. “Let’s head to the room. Tomorrow’s a new day.”

Once back inside, we change for bed, and Rocco says, “Maybe I’ll apologize before I leave town.”

“Not a bad idea,” I reply, sinking against my pillow.

“I’m beat,” he says around a yawn, and it only takes about five seconds after he cuts the lights before he’s out. Rocco snores softly while I lie there, staring at the ceiling.

After another few minutes go by, I can’t take it anymore. So I slide out of bed and, once dressed, tiptoe across the room and out to my car.

When I pull up to Jack’s house, I’m surprised to see him standing in his driveway near his truck.

I exit my car and approach him cautiously like he’s a tiger ready to pounce. “Are you going somewhere?”

“To the beach with my camera.” He jangles his keys. “Couldn’t sleep.”

“Me neither. I didn’t know Rocco was coming. No way I would’ve invited him.”

“That’s not what irked me. It’s just… He obviously still thinks there’s a chance I’ll sell the place.”

“It wasn’t me who gave him that impression.” I huff out a breath. “He can be persistent, which probably makes him a better businessman than me.”

“If you say so.” He makes a frustrated sound. “It certainly rubs me the wrong way. Or maybe I just don’t like all that slick sales-pitch stuff.”

“In his defense, you’re a tough nut to crack, Jack McCoy. No way I’d ever want to cross you again.”

It’s the first hint of a smile I see from him tonight, and it renders me speechless. The way his eyes are clear and bright and he lifts one eyebrow in amusement… He’s a beautiful man, and it’s hard to turn away.

“Anyway.” He clears his throat. “High tide is coming in, so I’m heading down there to get some shots of⁠—”

