In Love with a Cruel Billionaire Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)

Her life coach stood up and pointed to the door, saying, "We're required to give you privacy while reading the MoU, so just knock if you need me."

The Memorandum of Understanding only consisted of three pages, and the terms and conditions it enumerated were as straightforward as Mr. Bakker had said. She was half-inclined to simply affix her signature at the end and be done with it, but her conscience ultimately won this round, and Diana began to read.

Section 1 was all about attendance, Section 2 was on grades, and then...Section 5.

Students have the right to form any relationship that is consensual in nature and participate in activities that are demonstrative of this for as long as these activities are not criminal or felonious in nature and the relationship itself is not unlawful.

Assuming that the above considerations are met, the university thus recognizes any relationship in which the involved persons are any of the following:

1A Both parties are of the student body

1B Both parties are of the faculty body

1C Both parties are of the administrative body

1D A student and a member of either the faculty or administrative body*

*Both parties are required to disclose their relationship to the university and file a Conflict of Interest declaration form.



And the closer she got to the faculty building, the sicker she felt, and she could only feel dimly thankful the moment raindrops struck her skin, and her pain turned invisible amidst the skies' own tears.

She could only muster half a smile for the professor's secretary when she came barging in, and either she looked too terrifying or pathetic, but Mrs. Montez didn't even say a word, much less stop her from walking straight into the professor's office.

Matthijs was on his feet the moment he saw the distraught expression on her face. "Diana?"

She tried to speak, but it was just still too much, and she could only look at him and hurt.

He was so, so beautiful, with nothing in this world able to lessen the flawless symmetry of his face.

So beautiful.

It was just too damn bad he had turned out to be a modern-day Dorian Gray, and almost as if he heard her heart shattering anew, he suddenly stiffened. "You know." His voice was without emotion, and so was his too-gorgeous face, which was no longer anything but just carved edges and grooves now.

"That Helder Meer has no rules on fraternization?" A choking laugh escaped her, but she couldn't even find satisfaction in the way the sound made him flinch. "Yes, I know. And it's just...I should've known..." Oh God, she couldn't stop laughing. "I really should." Didn't dare stop. "Congratulations, Professor de Graaf. You really did a number on me—-"


She saw him move towards her, and she stumbled back as laughter turned into a desperate cry. "Don't touch me!"

The professor froze, the fear in her eyes slicing into him like a blade plunging deep and hard into his heart.

"Was it really that fun," she asked brokenly, "watching me make an ass of myself—-"

"I have never wanted to hurt you," the professor said tightly.

"And yet reality states otherwise."

"Believe what you want." The professor's jaw clenched. "It's your choice—-"

"There isn't a choice," she cried out, "and you know it. There's only the truth, and I can't - I can't keep lying to myself about it." Her voice cracked. "I just want to know why. Just please tell me why—-"

"Calm down—-"

"Then tell me why," she choked out. "Was it because I'm a novelty? Was it because you were bored?"

"Diana, will you fucking calm down—-"

"Was it because you wanted to bag a billionaire's little sister—-"

"Are you hearing yourself?" he bit out. "What kind of man do you think I am—-"

A wild, crazed laugh spilled past her lips. "A good man, Professor. That's what I thought. That's what I've always thought, no matter how many times you've hurt me..."

A good man, she thought sickly. She had let him gotten away with so many things - God, she had let him get away with everything!

And all because she had wanted, needed to fool herself into thinking that—-

Her skin started to crawl.

He was a good man.

And suddenly she could no longer take it, the very nearness of him making her want to throw up in shame and self-revulsion. She spun away in clumsy haste, tearing out of his office and running out of the building as the sound of his harsh voice calling her name out faded.


I'm such a fool!

Oh, Saint M, I'm such a pathetic, stupid fool!

Despair blinded her, and she stumbled, legs crumpling without warning, falling and skinning her knees, and it was this - seeing blood trickle out to paint her flesh - that was the final straw.

And all throughout this, he watched from a distance, bleeding the same time she did—-

I'm sorry.

But he could not, would not speak the words.

