Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

I sigh. Politics, I hate them. This is why I’ve always done things my way.

Symphony’s laugh fills the kitchen, grabbing my attention. I look to where she and Micheal are. Michael is sitting on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island and Sim is sitting in his lap. He’s feeding her mini quiches and fruit while they smile at each other and laugh as Michael murmurs low to her.

My brother finally looks happy. Symphony buries her face into his neck and inhales. Michael tightens his hold around her and kisses her forehead. Watching them reminds me why I’m doing this in the first place.

“Done. Set it up. Call Michael later. He’s taking care of family business at the moment.”

Brooklyn chuckles on the other end. “Maybe it’s time I stopped by. I still have some unfinished business under your roof.”

I snort. “Do so at your own risk. You know where to find her.”

“Aye, I do. I’ll be seeing ya soon, Donati,” he says, allowing his Irish Brogue to slip.

With that, he hangs up. I put my phone away and turn my attention back to Michael and Symphony. I note something right away.

The way they look at each other. The way they move together reminds me of me and Val. Michael should know. I want him to know.


“Symphony,” Uri calls as Michael whispers dirty things in my ear.

I turn to look at my brother-in-law. He is standing with his wife and their babies. Vita, Inzo, and Nori.

I have a little niece and two nephews. Their names are Vita, Inzo, and Nori. I find this very exciting, although I haven’t been willing to hold them yet. Val has offered, but I am not ready.

“Yes, Uri?”

“Have you closed down the business?”

I gasp and widen my eyes. Why would he ask me this in front of Michael? My heart begins to race.

“No. I have not. I don’t have any clients currently, but I haven’t shut down the operation,” I reply as steadily as I can.

“What business?” Michael asks near my ear, but still loud enough for Uri to hear.

A shiver runs through me. I ignore the way his breath tickles my skin. It was a fight for us to climb out of bed this morning to come down to breakfast.

“Would you like to explain?” Uri asks.

“Yes, please.”

I turn in Michael’s lap so I’m looking directly at him. I fight against the need to pop my wristband. I knew I would have to tell him about this at some time.

“I have been running an assassin-for-hire business. When you told me I couldn’t be with you because I wasn’t like you, I did my best to become just like you. I have done very well.”

“Wait a minute. You knew about this?” Michael hisses at Uri.

“I learned about it after some time. I allowed it to continue once I was made aware of the results. You weren’t the only one allowing the jobs to keep you going.”

“Seriously, Uri?”

“Why is it that this is a problem? Is it because you think I am not capable? Valentina does the same thing. Why are you upset?”

“Valentina isn’t my wife. You are. How long did you plan to keep this from me?”

“I don’t know.”

“I would like you to see her in action. She is quite impressive. I have witnessed one of her jobs.”

“What? How?” Michael and I say in unison, causing the baby in Uri’s arms to begin to whimper.

I believe he’s holding Inzo. Uri kisses his head and places him back in the bouncy chair in front of Valentina.

“Adriano. I requested he send me footage. Don’t worry. It was encrypted and immediately destroyed,” Uri replies.

“What the fuck have I been paying him for? How did this happen?”

I am getting angry. Michael still wants to treat me like a child he needs to protect. I’ve become more than capable of protecting myself. I am smart, I have skills, I always do my best. I jump up from his lap and glare at him.

“Things cannot continue like this. I want to be your equal. Nine years, sixty assignments, one hundred and forty-two kills.

“Not once have I taken a hit. Not once have I missed my target or failed a mission. Why do you treat me like I can’t do this?

“I thought you, of all people, would be proud of me. I did this for you. I did this so you wouldn’t have to worry about me, so we could do what Nonno wants. Together.”

Michael stands and closes the distance between us. He cups the back of my neck and places his forehead to mine. I feel the tears building up.

“I have done my best. I am one of the best,” I choke out.

“I know you are. You are the best at anything you put your mind to. That doesn’t mean I’m okay with the woman I love placing herself in those types of situations.

