Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

I shift in my seat as the thought of her silky-looking legs locked around my waist fills my head. I clench my jaw and chide myself for the thoughts. I am her guardian, not her lover.

I would never force her to be a wife to me in the true sense. I don’t even know if that’s something she would want. I have been a friend, someone she can trust.

These lustful thoughts make me feel like I’m crossing a line that was never meant to be crossed. However, as I watch her on stage, I’m transfixed by every movement, every gesture, every leap she takes. Symphony takes command of the stage like a force.

It’s clear she’s been taken away by the music. I am in complete awe. The power and grace she displays are impressive and inspiring—and the smile on her face—I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. I haven’t missed that she’s dancing to “Für Elise,” which is only making my heart swell more as I watch her with pride.

Then, the music changes. The classical version of the song becomes a hip-hop version, and another dancer comes out to join her. The two create magic together. Two brown visions of power, strength, and elegance.

The joy on Sim’s face tells me this is her friend Ximena. She, too, is a beautiful young woman, but Sim has my full attention. To see her lost in the music as she captivates the attention of the entire audience is something I can’t describe.

Symphony plays with enchantment, but she dances with an authority and power that’s spellbinding. The happiness pouring from her is palpable. It has filled the air and almost has a tangible flavor.

Passion. That’s what I see before my eyes. She has found her passion.

“This is where she belongs,” I breathe as the dance comes to an end and the audience erupts into applause.

“Bravo, bravo,” Nico croons as he claps loudly.

The thunderous applause that fills the air solidifies what I already know. Symphony is a born star. I will protect this part of her life and allow her to reach for the stars in this world. The bosses and underbosses of the Trovati family don’t need to be concerned with who Symphony is.

All that comes with the underworld is death and destruction. In the last four years I have learned that more than anyone. While I’m being groomed by Don Alessio to take over his family, I’m still a hitter for my own.

I’ve seen it all. All the dark and twisted things this life brings into your life. This … this is a thing of beauty. Symphony is something special.

She should forever be wrapped in music and the beauty within it. Don Alessio wants me to run his family for her anyway. I will turn my focus to that and allow my wife to remain happy here in the States.

I turn to Nico and hand him the two bouquets. He lifts a questioning brow. Uri pats me on the shoulder. I believe he, too, has come to the understanding I have as I turn to look into his eyes.

“I will see you when I return,” he says, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze then nods.

“You are leaving?” Annabella asks as she gives me a hard look.

“It is for the best.”

I kiss her on the cheek and leave before I change my mind. Symphony’s happiness is most important to me. This makes her happy.


“That was amazing. You turned into someone else out there,” Ximena says as we exit the stage.

I smile. It felt different. It felt like Michael was in the crowd watching me.

In my heart, I danced for him. I danced with the hope that he had come to see me dance for the first time. I felt him and the music in my blood.

“Thank you for joining my routine. You enhanced the performance. It wouldn’t have been as amazing without you.”

“Lies. I know my limits. I’m going to miss you so much. I can’t believe this is it. You’re going to knock them dead at the next level.

“You call me any time you need to talk. Don’t allow those divas to intimidate you. You flash a little of that secret badass if you have to, or call me to come straighten them out,” she says with a smile.

I look down at the floor as it hits me this is it. Ximena wasn’t accepted to the program we both applied to. She’s the one who talked me into applying.

I wasn’t going to go once I learned she was denied. Once again, she talked me into accepting and following the dream for us both. I will miss my friend.

I cup the side of her face. “You mean the world to me. If you ever need anything, I am only a call away and I do mean anything.

