Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)
I leap to my feet, ready to keep going. Sweat soaks my hair and the back of my T-shirt. I have never been a quitter, and I don’t intend to start now.
“That’s better, mate. Show me you have some bloody balls,” he taunts.
“You say that as if I haven’t been holding my own,” I say to him in Italian.
“English. You make it too easy to learn the truth about you. English will throw your enemies off,” he snaps.
I roll my eyes and keep moving forward, holding my hands up. Uri continues to come at me hard. I fight back, blocking and countering as fast as I can. I have gotten taller, and we are now nearly evenly matched.
With all the training and conditioning, I have more power and stamina than I did when I came to him at eighteen. What a difference a year can make. We have become closer—at least as close as Uri will allow.
“Stop leaving your right open,” he bites out.
I grunt and nod. It’s all I need to do. He’s not asking me for my feedback. He’s telling me how to be better.
I appreciate the growth we have. I understand Uri’s need to create distance. Given our upbringing, I can’t say I blame him. The one thing I respect about my brother most is that he won’t allow me to speak ill of our mama.
I can tell he has his issues with her as I do, but he won’t allow me or Nico to voice them without knocking us on our ass. Nico and Annabella were eager to reunite with Uri as well.
He was reluctant at first, but my siblings would not be denied. They followed me as I did our mother, much to Uri’s annoyance. We didn’t understand at first.
Nico had even challenged him. That didn’t go as Nico thought it would. Uri ended up kicking his ass.
However, it was after Nico showed up on Uri’s doorstep that he told us that our mother believed we were in danger by interacting with him. It’s the reason no one is to know he’s our brother. He has been training me in secret for almost a year.
“It’s a good thing you’re better with a gun than you are with your fists,” he snorts at me.
“Are you saying I should shoot you?” I taunt back.
“You wouldn’t get your finger on the trigger before I took your life instead.”
I scoff and continue to circle him. He is right. I’ve taken well to firearms. Pistol or sniper rifle, I have mastered those. Fighting hand to hand is where I need to get stronger.
I’ve been on a few jobs with Uri to learn more about the hitter business. He was reluctant even to train me. It took weeks to talk him into it.
If I hadn’t been jumped one night while sneaking to see him, he might not have ever agreed. After watching what he did to the guys who jumped me, I wanted to be just like him. My brother is a badass.
However, Uri isn’t proud of the cold, calculated man he has become. I picked up on that after the first job. I get it.
Each life taken does leave a stain. Although they all deserve it. Uri only accepts certain types of jobs. He’s not going to hush anyone who is innocent. They have to have harmed someone who’s defenseless, or they have to be a stain on humanity.
He does his research before taking a job. Uri is smart. I’ve been studying hard to have a sharp mind like his.
Like my sister Annabella, I have fallen into computers and surveillance—although, for her, that’s more of a hobby. Annabella’s major in university is medicine.
For me, I thought it wise to get into surveillance with Uri’s profession and the fact that there are people out there wanting to harm us. I want to be of use to my family, including our uncle and cousin in America. Uri hasn’t told me why he lives here in London while our uncle is in the States.
I know the questions to ask and those not to ask. My brother will shut down and not speak if he’s pissed off. I try not to piss him off.
“That’s enough for now. Shower. I have a meeting with Don Trovati. You’re coming along.”
I knit my brows. Uri makes it a habit never to be seen with me. One glance and it isn’t hard to see we’re related. Uri has made it clear to the three of us that we’re not to expose ourselves as his siblings.
That hasn’t been hard for Nico, as none of us get to see him often as a professional footballer. Annabella is always busy with her studies. However, I am the one who’s always around Uri and I look the most like him.
Which makes me wonder why he’s choosing to take me with him this time. My brother has a purpose for every move he makes. Seeming to read my thoughts, he tilts his head at me as he studies me.