Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

“Does my playing disturb the others?”

“No. Nico says it soothes him. Annabella has never complained. I love to listen.”

“I will still try to be more mindful of the hours I choose to practice.”

I make a mental note to begin to set hours for playing the piano. I can get so lost in the music and lose track of time. I would hate to annoy everyone.

“Do you think you would enjoy going to school for music?”

“Yes, yes, I would. I would like that. Is it something I would be able to do?”

“I am looking into options. We will see.”

“Thank you. I am quite excited now. There is still so much I want to know about music theory. I have ordered books with my allowance to learn more, but to go to school and learn would be amazing.”

He gives me a bright smile that lights up his gorgeous eyes and makes my heart skip a beat. I drop my gaze to his lips and wonder what it would be like to kiss him. Sweat begins to pour from my hands as I wish for my first kiss.

I wouldn’t know how to ask him for one. It is our anniversary, but I don’t believe he would be amiable to a kiss. I begin to chew on my lip as I try to think of the words to use to ask.

“How is school? Do you need anything? Are you having any more trouble with those girls?”

“My grades are still all A-plus. I have not had trouble with those girls. They have left me alone since I defended myself against Sandra.”


Something in his tone makes me wonder if those girls left me alone because I had to resort to violence or if Michael somehow stepped in. We talk more about school, my other interests, and how my day has been before we both finish our meal. When we finish, I clear away our plates as Michael goes into the butler’s pantry to pop us some popcorn.

We walk together to the theater with our bowl of popcorn. Michael allows me to pick our movie. I almost have a meltdown as I can’t decide what would be an appropriate movie for the both of us.

Michael walks up behind me and reaches for an old black-and-white film. His cologne wraps around me and soothes me. I nod my agreement as he shows me the cover of the film.

“I think you will like this one,” he murmurs.

He sets the film up and we climb into our seats. Michael tugs me into his side and holds me close as the movie begins. I have to fight not to purr.

There isn’t any place I would rather be. My lids begin to grow heavy halfway through the film, but I fight to stay awake so I can play for him after the movie.

Or at least I thought I did. I mumble and moan as my back hits the soft mattress beneath me. I open my eyes and find Michael placing me in my bed and tucking me in.

He carried me up to my room. I lift up on my elbows as he moves to pull my shoes from my feet. I blink at him sleepily.

Once my shoes are off, Michael then kisses my forehead. “Go back to sleep, mia cara. I will see you in the morning.”

I’m too sleepy to protest or say a word. I lie back and fall out before my head hits the pillow.


Little Secrets


“Get it together, Michael,” I breathe to myself as I step out of the shower.

I continue to mumble in frustration as I head into my closet to put on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. I had to make an early morning visit today. Someone grabbed Uri’s attention and warranted an introduction to me.

It was the last introduction they will ever have. I made it nice and quick. His breakfast didn’t even have time to get cold before I took his life.

“I should’ve dragged it out for more of a distraction,” I grumble.

I need to work off some steam. I’ve been having these dreams of this tall dancer with shapely brown legs. I can never see her face, but her body leaves me hard and wanting when I wake.

I haven’t had sex since before I got married. I didn’t hookup with girls often, but I’ve known the pleasures of sex. I hadn’t thought I would be so fazed by the lack of it.

However, those dreams are causing me to wish I had an outlet. Yet when I look at a woman, I feel wrong. I know this marriage isn’t real, but the amount of guilt that rises at the thought of bedding another woman makes me sick.

I have thought of speaking with Mama’s priest and devoting myself to the church. So many crazy thoughts have come to mind since those dreams have started. Last night was the worst one yet.

