How the Necromancer in the Gold Vest Saved My Life – Disaster 2 Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Crime, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 34989 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 175(@200wpm)___ 140(@250wpm)___ 117(@300wpm)

“You can’t have him!”

“You want to go a few rounds, Fangs McFuckface? Because I’m happy to go!” Sky bellowed. “I will always be right there between you and Nolan. I guaran-damn-tee it!”

“No! Not in my library!” Marcus cried out.

Nolan’s gaze snapped over to Marcus, who was watching them with wide eyes and a pale face. Another vampire stood next to him, rubbing his arm. Nolan felt for him. This was one of the most amazing libraries he’d ever seen. There were probably countless first editions in here. It would be a crime against humanity for anything to be destroyed in here.

“Outside!” King Aiden shouted.

“What?” Nolan shrieked, but it was as if no one heard him. Everyone was hurrying toward the exit. The king was going to allow this fight? Shouldn’t he be trying to stop this insanity? Be the voice of reason?

A gentle hand patted him between his shoulder blades, and he jerked around to see the other witch grinning at him. “It’ll be okay. Sky can totally handle this guy. I’m Moon, by the way. One of Sky’s coven mates.”

“Wait! But Sky! This isn’t safe!” Nolan continued to cry out, but no one was paying him any attention other than Moon, who was softly chuckling in his left ear. He was being herded outside with the other vampires. Sky was already ahead of him, flanked by Winter and Fox, who both seemed to be urgently talking to him. Christoph was at the bottom of the stairs, followed by his own clan members.

“It’ll be okay.”

Nolan glanced up to see Aiden weakly smiling at him. His brown eyes were soft and filled with worry. Not reassuring in the least.

“Can’t you stop this?”

Aiden shook his head. “I’m sorry, but no. Christoph is stubborn. He won’t willingly release you, and I have to recognize Sky’s right to fight for you.”

Nolan slapped his hand on his face and groaned. “Why the hell is my life so weird now? I used to be a normal, boring author who never went outside. Now everything is magic and vampires and underworld creatures who want sandwiches.”

Moon chortled. “You met Frank! He leaves an impression the first time you see him.”

He shoved that entire line of thought aside. This didn’t seem like a good Frank situation. “Can Sky win this fight? Christoph is old and fucking strong. Sky doesn’t seem like…the fighting type.”

Okay, fuck it. Sky was his sweet, cuddly marshmallow baby and he wouldn’t change a damn thing about him, but he had no business in a fight with a vampire clan master. Right?

Before he could come up with a suggestion of another way to solve this problem, he was standing on the front porch at the head of the stairs between Moon and King Aiden, watching as Sky marched across the lawn to meet Christoph. A cold bite had entered the air since he’d arrived with the Sandor clan and the wind was thick with moisture, as if promising to drop another spring shower on them at any second.

Nolan wrapped his arms tightly across his chest, wishing he’d at least had his jacket on him. Of course, the scene in front of him was helping to take his mind off the biting wind. “This isn’t fair! At least give Sky a chance to get some of his supplies,” Nolan argued. His heart was pounding so hard he could feel it in the back of his throat. Nausea roiled in his stomach, sloshing about like the sea churned up by a storm.

“Don’t worry. Sky’s got a few things stuffed in his pockets for an emergency, but he also knows how to do a lot of things without a primer,” Moon said.

“A primer?” Nolan tore his eyes off Sky long enough to stare at the witch. “What do you mean?”

“Lots of ingredients are there to kick off the spell. Most spells rely on a witch’s innate power and abilities. Sky comes from a long line of necromancers. His grammy was incredibly powerful in her day, and she passed all that knowledge on to her grandson. Sky is leagues ahead of most witches his age. Plus, there’s the other thing.”

Christoph roared and charged Sky, becoming little more than a frightening blur in the faint glow of the landscape lights. The blur slammed into something less than a foot away from Sky. Christoph literally bounced off it, stumbling back, while a faint shimmer of gold sparks surrounded Sky.

“Is that a force field? And what other thing?” Nolan demanded, no longer able to take his eyes off the necromancer.

“Protective shield spell. Always with Sky’s signature pretty colors. I’ve never met another witch with more style. He can keep it up to block Christoph’s physical attacks, but he can’t cast offensive spells through it.” Moon paused and Nolan glanced at him. “As for the other thing…well, I’m sure you can tell that he likes you. He’s so pissed about what happened with Christoph, the vampire is going to be lucky if Sky doesn’t turn him inside out.”

