How the Necromancer in the Gold Vest Saved My Life – Disaster 2 Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Crime, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 34989 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 175(@200wpm)___ 140(@250wpm)___ 117(@300wpm)

The one reassuring thing was that the Sandor clan was outnumbered.

“Christoph Sandor, you’ve been called to answer for the actions of your clan as well as your own questionable actions,” the king resumed. “It has been brought to my attention that your clan hired a human to con other unsuspecting humans into taking on the position of pet for any vampire who was willing to pay you.”

Nolan turned his head toward his left to see Christoph blink wide blue eyes at the king. “Forgive my confusion, Your Majesty,” Christoph replied, adding a near-sneer to his voice when he spoke Aiden’s title. “But I don’t understand what the problem is. My clan is thoughtfully providing a service to my brothers and sisters who don’t have the time or interest in locating their own pet. Are you saying you’ve outlawed pets?”

Nolan stiffened. Aiden’s expression never changed. Not a narrowing of his eyes. Not even a hand tightening into a first. But Nolan swore the temperature in the room dropped twenty degrees. It was all he could do to keep from shivering. The vampire king was becoming angry, and Christoph was relishing his ability to push his buttons.

“No.” Short and sharp, like a gunshot. “I have not outlawed it. However, as you well know, all humans who choose to become pets must make an informed decision. They must know what they are agreeing to and for how long. I am highly skeptical that your clan has been fully informing the humans about their new position, which means your clan is engaging in kidnapping and human trafficking. Two things that could easily draw the attention of human authorities and put all of your brothers and sisters in danger.”

“Isn’t it the duty of the vampire accepting the human as a pet to inform them of their new life and obligations?” Christoph chuckled and placed a hand on his chest. “How could my clan possibly guess at what kind of lifestyle they will be living? We tell the humans of a new job opportunity that will take care of all their basic needs and they are happy to agree.”

“Then it looks like I’ll need a complete list of all your clients, so we can check each and every human you’ve sold to make sure they fully agree to this new lifestyle.” Aiden’s smile was little more than the baring of his teeth. “Since we’re discussing pets, maybe I should begin with your new pet. I’ve been informed that you had him kidnapped from his home.”

“I can’t steal what already belongs to me,” Christoph snarled. It was the first crack in the careful veneer Christoph held in place. Every time he saw the vampire, on each occasion they spoke, Christoph was always reserved and completely unflappable.

Nolan kept his face blank but mentally snorted. Aiden got under Christoph’s skin too.

“Yes, you claimed him as a pet, but did he want to be? Did he truly understand what he was agreeing to?” Winter demanded.

“I believe we need to ask Nolan about the conditions of his service to you,” Aiden pressed. The smile that lifted his lips was brittle and appeared ready to snap into shards at any second.

Nolan bit down on the inside of his cheek, unsure what he should do. Would Christoph allow him to answer their questions? And if he could answer, what the hell was he supposed to say? His new owner stated he’d attack Sky if anyone dared to separate them. He couldn’t let anything happen to Sky. It was bad enough he forced the witch into this mess.

There was a hiss from the voice in the back of his mind. Sky had argued more than once that no one dragged him anywhere. The adorable necromancer made his own choices in this world, and he chose to help Nolan. Even if it did turn into a giant mess.

“Fine,” Christoph bit out. Fingers clamped on his shoulder and dug in hard enough to make him wince. Asshole. Christoph shoved him forward two steps so that Nolan was now standing in the center of the room.

He cringed, ducking his head toward his shoulders. The bite marks on either side of his neck throbbed and burned, while his mind screamed that they could all see them. They could guess at how Christoph had used him as food already. The fucker hadn’t turned their relationship into anything truly sexual yet, but it was coming. It was only a matter of time before Christoph stripped him and used every bit of him.

And then tossed him away.

“Mr. Banks,” the king began. His voice changed completely, becoming softer and kinder. Like he’d always imagined a loving father would sound like. “My name is Aiden Varik, and this is my clan. I’m sorry to trouble you today, but there are several people here who are concerned about your well-being.”

