His Perfect Prey (Fraternitas #1) Read Online Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Fraternitas Series by Lee Savino

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 67140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 336(@200wpm)___ 269(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

Jaeger leads me out in front of the crowd and has me kneel. It’s surreal, being in the center of the ceremony after watching one the night of Pandemonium. I feel small and vulnerable, surrounded by the tall, menacing members of Fraternitas. But I’m wet. My fear and arousal seem to go hand in hand.

Jaeger takes his place in front of me, and the flutters in my stomach calm. But my pussy throbs all the harder.

Beyond Jaeger, I catch a glimpse of my friends. Honey is wide-eyed, staring at the masked men. Daria has her arms crossed over her chest. Angel gives me a little wave.

And then St. James steps onto the platform with me and Jaeger, and I tense. Run away! A little voice screams in the back of my head. But it’s too late.

As if he knows I’m freaking out, Jaeger reaches down and cups the side of my neck. He lifts my head until I’m holding his gaze.

And the rest of the ceremony washes over me, with me staring into Jaeger’s stormy eyes.

“Do you vow to love and honor your elita? Will you care for her and keep her, and cherish her above others? Will you fight to protect her, and put her safety before all else, even your own life?”

“I so vow.” Jaeger holds my gaze. A jolt runs through me, and there’s a great rushing sound in my ears, drowning out a few of St. James’ next words. Jaeger explained that the vows are changed, depending on the willingness of the elita.

“And you, Elodie.”

I startle when he says my name.

“Do you vow to submit to Jaeger, and wear his collar as a sign of your loyalty and love? Will you honor and obey him, and give yourself over to him in full and complete surrender?”

Jaeger warned me what was coming, but nothing could prepare me for how the ground feels like it’s dropped away. Only Jaeger’s gaze anchors me, keeps me from falling.

But I want him too much to turn back now. Surrender.

I say, on a shaky breath, “I do.”

Jaeger leans in and seals it with a kiss.

A minute later, I’m wearing his collar. The white gold is a comforting weight around my neck and already feels like a part of me.

My friends approach and give me brief hugs, whispering congratulations before being ushered away. The collaring ceremony was only the first part of the night. The second part is only for members of Fraternitas.

Once again, I’m blindfolded and led to the underworld. When the blindfold lifts, I’m standing in the vast sanctuary in front of a crowd of robed figures. The flames flicker in the walls, casting eerie shadows over the hooded faces of Fraternitas.

Lucy’s here along with Father Francis and the leadership of Fraternitas. But I barely notice them because Jaeger’s standing close to me.

I lean on one of the crutches Kaiser had given me and let the ritual wash over me.

The last time I was here, I didn’t know what was going on. Now I do. Father Francis speaks the ritual in Latin, but Jaeger explained the vows to me earlier.

You vow loyalty to Fraternitas and all its members.

You vow to uphold the rule of the Devil and his Seven.

Above all, you commit your life to the one you have chosen. You will be bound together by water, by fire, by death, and by blood. So shall you vow.

“Yes, I so vow,” Jaeger speaks first. After a pause, I echo it. I’m not as loud as him, but the cavernous chamber carries my voice to the back of the room.

A set of doors in the back slam open, and Kaiser and another masked executioner drag a man toward the ritual pool.

Heat flares through me, followed by a chill. I can feel my bare feet on the stone. It’s warmer than I would expect, or maybe my body only thinks it’s warm because of the flickering firelight.

And then I’m floating, and it feels like I’m watching everything unfold from up on the balcony. I look down on myself and note how calm I look for someone having an out-of-body experience.

“I’m here,” Jaeger murmurs. He touches me, and I feel his fingers on my elbow, but I’m still out of my body, looking down at the scene.

It’s like watching something on a movie screen. The hooded figures, the frightening tableau. The cast surrounds the main actress, who has a wealth of red, curly hair and wears a white silk shift. She’s barefoot with a collar around her neck and leaning on a crutch, waiting.

I watch her blanch when she recognizes the man the executioners drag forward. He’s gagged and bound in a torn and dirty polo shirt and slacks, but she can imagine him standing in front of a college class, gesturing to a whiteboard. Or in his office, smugly telling her what she can do to earn a TA position that will allow her to stay in school. He rolled back in his chair and spread his legs⁠—

