His Perfect Prey (Fraternitas #1) Read Online Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Fraternitas Series by Lee Savino

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 67140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 336(@200wpm)___ 269(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

“Don’t worry, bunny. No one touches you. Nobody but me.”

“Jaeger,” I pant. I can barely think, but I have to say this. “I need you.”

He smiles and rubs me faster.

“Oh gods, I need it.”

“I know, bunny. I’ll give you everything.” He kisses me so sweetly. “Just give yourself to me. You’ll have to pass a test, but you can do it.” He finds the spot that makes my body light up, and I’m so far gone I can’t even feel fear.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

“It’ll be okay. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

My climax breaks, and I let it wash me away. Jaeger keeps hold of my neck as he kisses me and whispers, “You belong to the Big Bad Wolf.”



Jaeger and I are cuddling on the couch when the front door opens. Kaiser walks in, as he always does, like he owns the place. He almost knocks over one of the orchids, and I hear him cussing at it. He acts like he hates our penthouse decor, but I overheard him asking Jaeger where he could buy ‘shit like these little pillows.’

I pause the rom-com we’re watching. “You have a visitor,” I say to Jaeger. I sound surly.

“Actually, I’m here for you.” Instead of heading into the kitchen to forage in our fridge, like he usually does, Kaiser comes straight over to us. He’s holding a pair of crutches. “Jaeger says he will forgive me if you do.”

“Okay.” My voice is tight.

“You make my brother happy. He deserves happiness.” He hands me the crutches. “For you. A gift.” They have a big red bow on them and everything.

“You already gave me crutches.” Right before he threw me out. Is he going to try to do that again?

“These are special. Watch.” He picks one up and holds it between us. “Touch the hidden trigger, and—” A blade shoots out of the bottom with a snick.

I slam myself back against the couch cushions.

Jaeger chuckles. “Let me see.” He takes the crutches and shows me how to trigger the blade.

“For protection,” Kaiser tells me.

“You can keep me safe,” Jaeger jokes.

I look from brother to brother, my mouth open. “I’m not… I don’t need murder crutches.”

Kaiser raises his brows.

“We’ll practice with them.” Jaeger takes the crutches and sets them close to me.

Oh gods.

“And she’ll forgive you. One day.” Jaeger swipes his thumb over my cheek, and I growl.

“Good.” Kaiser glances at the TV and heads to the kitchen to get the popcorn. I’ve already half-forgiven the idiot. He’s a thug and a surly asshole, but it’s easy to understand why when I think of him as a kid. Kaiser’s fiercely protective of his brother and has resented me for taking up space in Jaeger’s life. He hadn’t wanted to share.

The twins are still emotionally stunted, but their taste in holiday rom-coms gives me hope.

“You’re still high on the list of People She Wants to Kill,” Jaeger informs him. “But so am I.”

“I can live with it if you can.” Kaiser settles into his chair and grabs the remote. He unpauses the movie, and I pretend to watch while the brothers keep murmuring to each other.

“We’re not at the top, though,” Jaeger says. “Of the list.”

“Oh? Who’s number one?”

I could cover my ears, but I don’t, so I hear when Jaeger says, “A man from her past. But he won’t hold the spot for long.”


My gunshot wound gives us a month to prepare for the claiming ritual. It also gives Kaiser time to track down a certain member from her past and lay the groundwork for his disappearance. Fraternitas is powerful, but when it comes to prominent members of society, it’s best to obscure our connection to their death. It’ll be safer for Elodie.

Ten days before the big night, I start edging her. She pouts and sighs but lets me touch her carefully and slowly and stop before she goes over. I lay my hand on her quivering belly and listen to her fight to control her breathing.

The night of her collaring, Elodie gets a visitor. Kaiser opens the door, and Lucy rolls in. Her usual glower softens when she sees my penthouse.

“Jaeger, love what you’ve done with the place.” The tattoo vines on her arms ripple as she wheels around, giving herself a tour.

Elodie uses one of her new crutches to rise and greet her boss. She looks surprised to see Lucy and blanches when she sees Lucy’s right hand.

Lucy notices her reaction. “Oh yes.” She holds up her hand, showing off the skull ring. There’s a black pearl in one of the eye sockets. “I have one of these, too. I don’t wear it in public. No need to broadcast my status to civilians.”

“Lucy’s one of the Seven,” I tell Elodie. Her eyes widen further.

“Another thing I don’t advertise. Jaeger, is there somewhere Elodie and I can talk in private?”

