His Perfect Prey (Fraternitas #1) Read Online Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Fraternitas Series by Lee Savino

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 67140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 336(@200wpm)___ 269(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

“Jaeger, there are people here.”

“No one is watching us.” He starts stroking me, and my body, orgasm-starved as it is, crows with excitement. I cling to his arm, more to steady myself than to stall him.

His finger finds my clit and circles it. A little more pressure, and I’ll cum.

St. James is announcing more to the room, but my ears are filled with a buzzing sound. Even as my attention is on Jaeger’s finger, I can’t take my eyes off the proceedings.

A club submissive steps onto the platform and goes down on one knee, offering up a pillow with a silver collar on it.

Asmodeus steps behind Sarah and removes the black ribbon. There’s a jewel on it that I didn’t notice before, but I can’t see the color. He slides the jewel off the ribbon and takes up the metal collar.

Jaeger bites the tip of my ear, and I shudder. I’m so close, but he seems to know that. His finger retreats.

“Don’t come. Not yet.”

To take my mind off the intense ache between my legs, I ask, “What’s happening?”

On stage, Asmodeus has threaded the jewel onto the metal collar. St. James orders Sarah to present her neck for collaring. She gathers up her hair.

“He is claiming her as his elita. His chosen one. She will belong to him in every way, and all of Fraternitas will be loyal to her as she is to him.”

And is this what you want us to do? It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask, but I just watch as Asmodeus fixes the collar around Sarah’s neck. Bending, he grips her blonde hair and draws her head back so he can kiss her.

The men in masks pump their fists to the sky. “Fraternitas.” They chant. Jaeger secures me in one arm and joins them, shouting, “Fraternitas. Fraternitas.”

Their shouts die away.

Asmodeus is already helping Sarah down from the stage.

St. James raises his hands for quiet. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Pandemonium.”

The room plunges into darkness. Music blasts from the corners, a deep bass beat that makes the hair on my arms rise. Colored lights crisscross the space, turning it into a dance floor. Figures in the crowd glow with neon threads. The corsets worn by the club employees are outlined in green and pink glow-in-the-dark piping. A few of them are holding floggers that glow red.

One by one, door-shaped arches light up on the walls to the left and right of us. Four stories of rooms with see-through sections reveal the people in each room and the activities they’re engaged in. Bodies twined together, kissing, embracing, fucking.

I shouldn’t watch, but I can’t tear my eyes away.

Jaeger’s hands roam over me. My overheated blood, set to simmer, starts to boil.


“Shhhh, bunny. Give in to me.” His hand covers my breast. I lean back into him, arching into his touch.

At the closest door, a masked figure presses a smaller person against the wall and rams into them from behind. In the next, a figure stands fixed to a St. Andrew’s cross with their limbs splayed, while a second figure holds a whip, and a third fists a large, prominent cock or dildo jutting out between their legs.

Jaeger slips the strap off my shoulders, drawing my dress down so he can bare my chest. I struggle, caught between trying to push him away and pulling him closer. He pins me against him, securing my wrists behind me and turning me sideways across his lap, bending me back against the arm of the chair. The position allows me to see the room while he plays with my bare breasts. He bows his head to take my nipple into his mouth.

Electricity shoots through me, making me gasp. I’m pinned and helpless, watching people writhe on the dance floor in front of us. The room has cleared out somewhat as couples, throuples, and pods go upstairs to private rooms. The rest of the crowd has turned into a mosh pit, with a few couples in a clinch right in front of us. Two men have a lady locked between them, and one of them kisses her while the other unzips her ballgown, stripping her as I watch.

Jaeger sets his teeth at my nipple and bites down. I jerk as if I’ve been shocked.

A young man in a white lace mask like mine runs from another man in a gold mask. The pursued looks back at his pursuer but trips and falls. Two figures in long-beaked plague masks emerge out of the shadows. They grab the young man and hold him so the man in the gold mask can take hold of him and drag him away.

Another throuple, consisting of a tall man in the center, who’s leading two half- naked submissives by their leashes, strolls past me. The submissives are in chastity devices—one in a cock cage and the other in a smooth silver belt—and their hands are bound behind their backs. A tremor goes through me when I realize I know the man in the middle. It’s Atticus. He winks at me and turns to tug his pets to him and accept their worshipful kisses.

