His Perfect Prey (Fraternitas #1) Read Online Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Fraternitas Series by Lee Savino

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 67140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 336(@200wpm)___ 269(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

Jaeger carries me through the crowd, heading to the far wall where there’s a large gilt chair set on a small platform. Still holding me, Jaeger sinks onto the red velvet cushions. The elevated height puts us head and shoulders above the crowd, and I can see everything.

A few heads turn our way, and I jolt upright in Jaeger’s arms. Most people are wearing plain black or white masks or more elaborate ones glittering with jewels. But not these men.

They’re wearing different sorts of skull masks. Some black, some white, some silver. The effect is chilling.

“Jaeger,” I whisper, more to make contact with him than anything. I stare across the room at a huge guy in an executioner’s hood painted with a skull. His face and hair are covered, but there’s a spiderweb tattoo on his hand.

It’s Kaiser. And he’s glaring at me.

“Don’t be afraid,” Jaeger murmurs. “Smile and wave.” I do, but not being afraid is easier said than done.

In the center of the room are more people in different sorts of skull masks, gathering around another platform. They’re all wearing skull rings.

The masked man closest to us has shucked off his suit jacket, showing off his shirtless torso. He’s in a black vest that leaves his burly arms bare, and his arms are wrapped around a tall, slim woman. It takes me a moment to place her, but then I realize—it’s Odette. I’d recognize her perfect dancer’s posture anywhere. She’s elegant in a dress of midnight blue, which makes her brown skin glow. Her ballerina bun showcases her graceful neck.

The last time I saw Odette, she was wearing a black ribbon around her throat, a dark blue jewel hanging from it. Now, it’s been replaced by a metal collar, either silver or white gold, with what looks like the same blue jewel. The gemstone matches the one in the man’s ring.

It’s just like Honey had told me. I wish she were here so she could explain what I’m seeing.

Now that I’ve noticed Odette, I can pick out more figures besides the men in masks. Some are wearing black ribbons around their neck. Some of the ribbons are white.

One woman is wearing a red ribbon around her throat. She’s to my far right, kneeling near the wall. She has dyed burgundy hair and a black ball gag in her mouth, and her arms are secured behind her in a red leather binder. She’s in a matching red leather bustier that leaves her breasts exposed. Her nipples are pierced and linked with a chain. The masked man beside her is holding a leash that leads to the chain.

My breath catches. Jaeger notices and leans in. “Like what you see?”

I swallow. I should look away, but I’ve just noticed the woman’s eyes. They’re open, but both the iris and the pupil are a uniform black. She must be wearing contact lenses that black out her vision, in addition to the rest of her bondage.

“Bunny?” Jaeger’s waiting for me to admit my interest.

I give him a shake of my head and turn away. But I can’t deny my pussy is throbbing harder.

The room is growing full as more people stream in. Murmurs sound from around the room, but when St. James steps onto the center platform, everyone falls silent.

“Dearly beloved,” he intones and chuckles erupt like it’s a joke. “We’re gathered here for the commitment ceremony of two of our cherished members. The one called Asmodeus, and the one he will claim. Sarah.”

A man in a silver skull mask steps onto the platform. He’s shirtless, with a red dragon inked across his rippling muscles. I can’t make out his ring or any other features besides his long black hair.

“Sarah.” Asmodeus holds out a hand and helps a young blonde woman onto the platform. She’s in a short, white dress. It’s simple and almost see-through, more like a silk slip than a dress.

A lot like the one I’m wearing now.

Once she’s on the platform, Asmodeus points to a spot in front of him. I suck in a breath, my belly quivering. Biting her lip, Sarah goes down to her knees. She gazes up at the masked figure looming over her, her eyes wide with expectation and fear.

Her hand drifts up to touch the ribbon around her neck. It’s black.

“Hands behind your back,” Asmodeus commands, loud enough for everyone to hear. Sarah obeys, and he leans in, saying something more that the rest of the room can’t hear.

“Do you like this, bunny?” Jaeger shifts so he can whisper right in my ear. “Does it make you wet?” He doesn’t wait for my answer, just reaches under my dress, between my legs and checks. I suck in a breath, my stomach tightening. The balls move inside me. I grab his wrist, but I can’t stop him from touching me.

