Highlander’s Captive Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 106398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 426(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

The sun would soon rise and so would he, and though he would prefer Dawn to stay abed and rest, at least for a couple of hours, he knew she wouldn’t.

He smiled still amazed that a voiceless woman had stolen his heart. His smile faded as his hand slipped down to rest on her stomach. He felt the growing bump. It had only recently appeared. He doubted anyone could see it yet, and he was glad. It was something Dawn and he shared and no one else. He worried over her and the babe nestled safely inside her. He could not imagine what it would be like for her when the time came to deliver their child.

Her screams would be trapped inside her, for only her to hear. He grew angry at the thought that her agony would be hers alone, and he silently vowed to do something about it. He also wondered if their child would be born voiceless. It did not matter, he would love the child regardless, and Dawn would teach their babe how to cope and live without a voice. But he hoped it would not be necessary. He hoped their child was born with a voice, for he knew Dawn would be distraught if she passed the affliction onto her babe.

Cree felt a slight chill brush his naked arm and realized the fire needed tending. He reluctantly eased away from Dawn and went to add logs and stoke the fire back to life. He would make certain the room was warm for when she woke, though he would not mind heating her body himself.

He grew hard at the thought, and even harder when he thought about how she always welcomed his touches, his kisses, and how much she enjoyed making love with him. He shook his head when he glanced down and saw how hard he had grown. He hadn’t had to look, he felt it, and he felt the overpowering need to make love to Dawn.

He shook his head again. She needed to rest. She did not need poking from him. His hand slipped down to stroke his hardness. He could take care of himself, since if he didn’t, he would go and wake her and take her much too hard and fast and that would not do. Not now at least, another time when she was fully awake and fully willing, which was usually all of the time.

A moan slipped from his lips at the thought of riding her hard and his hand took on a more forceful rhythm.

Cree startled when Dawn’s hand covered his and he turned a quick glance on her. Sleep partially filled her dark eyes and her dark red hair lay wild about her head and shoulders. The contrast of soft and wild struck his gut and groin hard and damn if he didn’t want to scoop her up, rush her to the bed, and—

She shoved his hand away and squeezed him hard, then she rubbed the tip of him against her nub and let her head fallback as her mouth opened in a silent groan.

She left no doubt as to how much she wanted him, and he lost all control. He scooped her up, rushed her to the bed and was inside her in an instant. He groaned with the feel of her tight, wet, welcoming sheath.

He told himself to take it slow, don’t ride her hard, but when she bucked hard beneath him, he knew she wanted as wild and hard a ride as he did. And he gave it to her.

“I’m going to make you come and then come again and maybe even again,” he said and gave a laugh when she nodded vigorously. He nipped at her lips. “God, I love you so much.”

She tapped at her chest, and then his, and spread her arms wide, letting him know that she loved him even more.

He almost came there and then, but he wanted her to come first, so that he could make her come again before he exploded in a fury that was building frantically inside him. He pushed up, his muscled arms growing taut as his chest hovered over her.

“Come for me,” he demanded, thrusting hard into her and she obeyed willingly.

Dawn heard the scream echo in her head. She squeezed his arms over and over and silently gasped as she felt another climax rush over her and she tossed her head from side to side, the strength of it stealing her breath.

Cree came then. He couldn’t stop himself, not when he saw her second climax hit her. He groaned as his climax surged through him and with a final satisfied grunt he collapsed on top of her. After a moment he leaned up, kissed her gently and went to pull out of her.

She grabbed his arms and shook her head.

